> Endianness in the BYTES_BIG_ENDIAN sense shouldn't be a problem AFAIK.
> We just need to worry about BITS_BIG_ENDIAN.  For:
>   ({sign,zero}_extract:m X len pos)
> "pos" counts from the lsb if !BITS_BIG_ENDIAN and from the msb if
> BITS_BIG_ENDIAN.  So I think the condition should be something like:
>   pos == (BITS_BIG_ENDIAN ? GET_MODE_PRECISION (m) - len : 0)
> Agreed that it makes sense to handle ZERO_EXTRACT in the same way.

Agreed, here is the new patch which includes the new shifting code
predicate.  I'll post the rtl analysis part in another request.


Attachment: arm-lra.patch
Description: Binary data

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