On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Michael Haubenwallner
<michael.haubenwall...@salomon.at> wrote:
> Same here, building everything out-of-source. The prerequisites used are:
> * CONFIG_SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bash 4.1.7 from bullfreeware (symlinks to 
> /opt/freeware/bin/)
> * /usr/bin/{gcc,g++} 4.6.1 from bullfreeware (symlinks to /opt/freeware/bin/)
> * /usr/bin/gmake 3.82 from bullfreeware (symlinks to /opt/freeware/bin/)
> * gmp-5.0.4: as shared library, configured with --prefix=/prereq ABI=32
> * mpfr-3.1.1: as shared library, configured with --prefix=/prereq 
> --with-gmp=/prereq
> * mpfr-3.1.1: as shared library, configured with --prefix=/prereq 
> --with-{gmp,mpfr}=/prereq
> * gawk-3.1.7, flex-2.5.35, m4-1.4.13 from some Gentoo Prefix instance, 
> nowhere in PATH,
>   thus: export {AWK,FLEX}=/gentoo/prefix/usr/bin/{awk,flex} and this patch:
>   http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2013-01/msg00960.html
> For gcc:
> * $CONFIG_SHELL configure --prefix=/does/not/exist/yet 
> --with-{gmp,mpfr,mpc}=/prereq \
>     --enable--languages=c,c++ --disable-werror --disable-nls
> * gmake bootstrap

I committed your patch.

By the way, NLS works if you build and install GNU libiconv (1.14) and
add --with-libiconv-prefix=/prereq to force GCC bootstrap to use GNU
libiconv instead of AIX libiconv.

Thanks, David

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