On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Kumar, Venkataramanan
<venkataramanan.ku...@amd.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I have incorporated your comments.
>> Yes, call dump_mem_ref then, instead of repeating parts of its body.
> Reference object  is not yet created at the place we check for invariance. It 
> is still a tree expression.  I created a common function and used at all 
> places to dump the "step", "base" and "delta" values of  memory reference 
> being analyzed.
> Please find the modified patch attached.
> GCC regression "make check -k" passes with x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.

I presume also bootstrapped.



> Regards,
> Venkat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Guenther [mailto:richard.guent...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 6:26 PM
> To: Kumar, Venkataramanan
> Cc: Richard Guenther; gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org
> Subject: Re: [Patch] Fix PR53397
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Kumar, Venkataramanan 
> <venkataramanan.ku...@amd.com> wrote:
>> Hi Richi,
>> (Snip)
>>> + (!cst_and_fits_in_hwi (step))
>>> +    {
>>> +      if( loop->inner != NULL)
>>> +        {
>>> +          if (dump_file && (dump_flags & TDF_DETAILS))
>>> +            {
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, "Reference %p:\n", (void *) ref);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, "(base " );
>>> +              print_generic_expr (dump_file, base, TDF_SLIM);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, ", step ");
>>> +              print_generic_expr (dump_file, step, TDF_TREE);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, ")\n");
>> No need to repeat this - all references are dumped when we gather them.
>> (Snip)
>> The dumping happens at "record_ref" which is called after these statements 
>> to record these references.
>> When the step is invariant  we return from the function without recording 
>> the references.
>>  so I thought of dumping the references here.
>> Is there a cleaner way to dump the references at one place?
> Yes, call dump_mem_ref then, instead of repeating parts of its body.
> Richard.
>> Regards,
>> Venkat.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Richard Guenther [mailto:rguent...@suse.de]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 5:42 PM
>> To: Kumar, Venkataramanan
>> Cc: gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org
>> Subject: Re: [Patch] Fix PR53397
>> On Mon, 1 Oct 2012, venkataramanan.ku...@amd.com wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The below patch fixes the FFT/Scimark regression caused by useless
>>> prefetch generation.
>>> This fix tries to make prefetch less aggressive by prefetching arrays
>>> in the inner loop, when the step is invariant in the entire loop nest.
>>> GCC currently tries to prefetch invariant steps when they are in the
>>> inner loop. But does not check if the step is variant in outer loops.
>>> In the scimark FFT case, the trip count of the inner loop varies by a
>>> non constant step, which is invariant in the inner loop.
>>> But the step variable is varying in outer loop. This makes inner loop
>>> trip count small (at run time varies sometimes as small as 1
>>> iteration)
>>> Prefetching ahead x iteration when the inner loop trip count is
>>> smaller than x leads to useless prefetches.
>>> Flag used: -O3 -march=amdfam10
>>> Before
>>> **                                                              **
>>> ** SciMark2 Numeric Benchmark, see http://math.nist.gov/scimark **
>>> ** for details. (Results can be submitted to p...@nist.gov)     **
>>> **                                                              **
>>> Using       2.00 seconds min time per kenel.
>>> Composite Score:          550.50
>>> FFT             Mflops:    38.66    (N=1024)
>>> SOR             Mflops:   617.61    (100 x 100)
>>> MonteCarlo:     Mflops:   173.74
>>> Sparse matmult  Mflops:   675.63    (N=1000, nz=5000)
>>> LU              Mflops:  1246.88    (M=100, N=100)
>>> After
>>> **                                                              **
>>> ** SciMark2 Numeric Benchmark, see http://math.nist.gov/scimark **
>>> ** for details. (Results can be submitted to p...@nist.gov)     **
>>> **                                                              **
>>> Using       2.00 seconds min time per kenel.
>>> Composite Score:          639.20
>>> FFT             Mflops:   479.19    (N=1024)
>>> SOR             Mflops:   617.61    (100 x 100)
>>> MonteCarlo:     Mflops:   173.18
>>> Sparse matmult  Mflops:   679.13    (N=1000, nz=5000)
>>> LU              Mflops:  1246.88    (M=100, N=100)
>>> GCC regression "make check -k" passes with x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
>>> New tests that PASS:
>>> gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c scan-assembler prefetcht0 gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c
>>> scan-tree-dump aprefetch "Issued prefetch"
>>> gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c (test for excess errors) gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c
>>> scan-tree-dump aprefetch "loop variant step"
>>> gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c scan-tree-dump aprefetch "Not prefetching"
>>> gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c (test for excess errors)
>>> Checked CPU2006 and polyhedron on latest AMD processor, no regressions 
>>> noted.
>>> Ok to commit in trunk?
>>> regards,
>>> Venkat
>>> gcc/ChangeLog
>>> +2012-10-01  Venkataramanan Kumar  <venkataramanan.ku...@amd.com>
>>> +
>>> +   * tree-ssa-loop-prefetch.c (gather_memory_references_ref):$
>>> +   Perform non constant step prefetching in inner loop, only $
>>> +   when it is invariant in the entire loop nest.  $
>>> +   * testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c: New test case $
>>> +   Checks we are prefecthing for loop invariant steps$
>>> +   * testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c: New test case$
>>> +   Checks we are not prefecthing for loop variant steps
>>> +
>>> Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c  (revision 0)
>>> +++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-1.c  (revision 0)
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
>>> +/* Prefetching when the step is loop invariant.  */
>>> +
>>> +/* { dg-do compile } */
>>> +/* { dg-options "-O3 -fprefetch-loop-arrays
>>> +-fdump-tree-aprefetch-details --param min-insn-to-prefetch-ratio=3
>>> +--param simultaneous-prefetches=10 -fdump-tree-aprefetch-details" }
>>> +*/
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +double data[16384];
>>> +void prefetch_when_non_constant_step_is_invariant(int step, int n) {
>>> +     int a;
>>> +     int b;
>>> +     for (a = 1; a < step; a++) {
>>> +        for (b = 0; b < n; b += 2 * step) {
>>> +
>>> +          int i = 2*(b + a);
>>> +          int j = 2*(b + a + step);
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +          data[j]   = data[i];
>>> +          data[j+1] = data[i+1];
>>> +        }
>>> +     }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "Issued prefetch" "aprefetch" } } */
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "prefetcht0" } } */
>> This (and the case below) needs to be adjusted to only run on the 
>> appropriate hardware.  See for example gcc.dg/tree-ssa/prefetch-8.c for how 
>> to do this.
>>> +/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "aprefetch" } } */
>>> Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c  (revision 0)
>>> +++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr53397-2.c  (revision 0)
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
>>> +/* Not prefetching when the step is loop variant.  */
>>> +
>>> +/* { dg-do compile } */
>>> +/* { dg-options "-O3 -fprefetch-loop-arrays
>>> +-fdump-tree-aprefetch-details --param min-insn-to-prefetch-ratio=3
>>> +--param simultaneous-prefetches=10 -fdump-tree-aprefetch-details" }
>>> +*/
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +double data[16384];
>>> +void donot_prefetch_when_non_constant_step_is_variant(int step, int
>>> +n) {
>>> +     int a;
>>> +     int b;
>>> +     for (a = 1; a < step; a++,step*=2) {
>>> +        for (b = 0; b < n; b += 2 * step) {
>>> +
>>> +          int i = 2*(b + a);
>>> +          int j = 2*(b + a + step);
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +          data[j]   = data[i];
>>> +          data[j+1] = data[i+1];
>>> +        }
>>> +     }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "Not prefetching" "aprefetch" } } */
>>> +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "loop variant step" "aprefetch" } }
>>> +*/
>>> +
>>> +/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "aprefetch" } } */
>>> +
>>> Index: gcc/tree-ssa-loop-prefetch.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- gcc/tree-ssa-loop-prefetch.c      (revision 191642)
>>> +++ gcc/tree-ssa-loop-prefetch.c      (working copy)
>>> @@ -523,6 +523,7 @@
>>>    tree base, step;
>>>    HOST_WIDE_INT delta;
>>>    struct mem_ref_group *agrp;
>>> +  loop_p ploop;
>>>    if (get_base_address (ref) == NULL)
>>>      return false;
>>> @@ -537,10 +538,50 @@
>>>    if (may_be_nonaddressable_p (base))
>>>      return false;
>>> -  /* Limit non-constant step prefetching only to the innermost loops.
>>> */
>>> -  if (!cst_and_fits_in_hwi (step) && loop->inner != NULL)
>>> -    return false;
>>> +  /* Limit non-constant step prefetching only to the innermost loops and
>>> +     only when the step is invariant in the entire loop nest. */  if
>>> + (!cst_and_fits_in_hwi (step))
>>> +    {
>>> +      if( loop->inner != NULL)
>>> +        {
>>> +          if (dump_file && (dump_flags & TDF_DETAILS))
>>> +            {
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, "Reference %p:\n", (void *) ref);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, "(base " );
>>> +              print_generic_expr (dump_file, base, TDF_SLIM);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, ", step ");
>>> +              print_generic_expr (dump_file, step, TDF_TREE);
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, ")\n");
>> No need to repeat this - all references are dumped when we gather them.
>>> +              fprintf (dump_file, "Ignoring %p, non-constant step 
>>> prefetching\
>>> +                is limited to inner most loops \n",(void *) ref);
>>> +            }
>>> +            return false;
>>> +         }
>>> +      else
>>> +        {
>>> +          ploop = loop;
>>> +          while (loop_outer (ploop))
>>> +            {
>>> +              if (!expr_invariant_in_loop_p (ploop , step))
>>> +                {
>>> +                  if (dump_file && (dump_flags & TDF_DETAILS))
>>> +                    {
>>> +                      fprintf (dump_file, "Reference %p:\n", (void *) ref);
>>> +                      fprintf (dump_file, "(base " );
>>> +                      print_generic_expr (dump_file, base, TDF_SLIM);
>>> +                      fprintf (dump_file, ", step ");
>>> +                      print_generic_expr (dump_file, step, TDF_TREE);
>>> +                      fprintf (dump_file, ")\n");
>> Likewise.
>>> +                      fprintf (dump_file, "Not prefetching, ignoring %p 
>>> due to loop variant step\n",(void *) ref);
>>> +                    }
>>> +                      return false;
>>> +                }
>>> +                ploop = loop_outer (ploop);
>>> +            }
>> Instead of the loop checking expr_invariant_in_loop_p for each sub-loop you 
>> can query expr_invariant_in_loop_p once, for the outermost loop.
>> Please add a new function to cfgloop.h to access this outermost loop:
>> /* Returns the outermost loop of the loop nest that contains LOOP.  */
>> static inline struct loop *
>> loop_outermost (const struct loop *loop) {
>>   unsigned n = VEC_length (loop_p, loop->superloops);
>>   if (n <= 1)
>>     return loop;
>>   return VEC_index (loop_p, loop->superloops, 1); }
>> Thanks,
>> Richard.

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