does this look better? Moving to cfg.c would importing tree-pass.h and rtl.h
that is not cool either. predict.c does all of these.
Obviously can also go to a separate file, if preferred.

If it looks fine to you, I will commit it after testing.


Index: tree-pass.h
*** tree-pass.h (revision 192158)
--- tree-pass.h (working copy)
*************** extern void do_per_function_toporder (vo
*** 547,551 ****
--- 547,553 ----
  extern void disable_pass (const char *);
  extern void enable_pass (const char *);
  extern void dump_passes (void);
+ extern struct opt_pass **passes_by_id;
+ extern int passes_by_id_size;
  #endif /* GCC_TREE_PASS_H */
Index: predict.c
*** predict.c   (revision 192158)
--- predict.c   (working copy)
*************** rebuild_frequencies (void)
*** 2799,2801 ****
--- 2799,3005 ----
      gcc_unreachable ();
    timevar_pop (TV_REBUILD_FREQUENCIES);
+ /* Make statistic about profile consistency.  */
+ struct profile_record
+ {
+   int num_mismatched_freq_in[2];
+   int num_mismatched_freq_out[2];
+   int num_mismatched_count_in[2];
+   int num_mismatched_count_out[2];
+   bool run;
+   gcov_type time[2];
+   int size[2];
+ };
+ static struct profile_record *profile_record;
+ static void
+ check_profile_consistency (int index, int subpass, bool run)
+ {
+   basic_block bb;
+   edge_iterator ei;
+   edge e;
+   int sum;
+   gcov_type lsum;
+   if (index == -1)
+     return;
+   if (!profile_record)
+     profile_record = XCNEWVEC (struct profile_record,
+                              passes_by_id_size);
+   gcc_assert (index < passes_by_id_size && index >= 0);
+   gcc_assert (subpass < 2);
+   profile_record[index].run |= run;
+   FOR_ALL_BB (bb)
+    {
+       if (bb != EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
+         && profile_status != PROFILE_ABSENT)
+       {
+         sum = 0;
+         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->succs)
+           sum += e->probability;
+         if (EDGE_COUNT (bb->succs) && abs (sum - REG_BR_PROB_BASE) > 100)
+           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_freq_out[subpass]++;
+         lsum = 0;
+         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->succs)
+           lsum += e->count;
+         if (EDGE_COUNT (bb->succs)
+             && (lsum - bb->count > 100 || lsum - bb->count < -100))
+           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_count_out[subpass]++;
+       }
+       if (bb != ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
+         && profile_status != PROFILE_ABSENT)
+       {
+         sum = 0;
+         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->preds)
+           sum += EDGE_FREQUENCY (e);
+         if (abs (sum - bb->frequency) > 100
+             || (MAX (sum, bb->frequency) > 10
+                 && abs ((sum - bb->frequency) * 100 / (MAX (sum, 
bb->frequency) + 1)) > 10))
+           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_freq_in[subpass]++;
+         lsum = 0;
+         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->preds)
+           lsum += e->count;
+         if (lsum - bb->count > 100 || lsum - bb->count < -100)
+           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_count_in[subpass]++;
+       }
+       if (bb == ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
+         || bb == EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun))
+       continue;
+       if ((cfun && (cfun->curr_properties & PROP_trees)))
+       {
+         gimple_stmt_iterator i;
+         for (i = gsi_start_bb (bb); !gsi_end_p (i); gsi_next (&i))
+           {
+             profile_record[index].size[subpass]
+                += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i), &eni_size_weights);
+             if (profile_status == PROFILE_READ)
+               profile_record[index].time[subpass]
+                  += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i),
+                                         &eni_time_weights) * bb->count;
+             else if (profile_status == PROFILE_GUESSED)
+               profile_record[index].time[subpass]
+                  += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i),
+                                         &eni_time_weights) * bb->frequency;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (cfun && (cfun->curr_properties & PROP_rtl))
+       {
+         rtx insn;
+         for (insn = NEXT_INSN (BB_HEAD (bb)); insn && insn != NEXT_INSN 
(BB_END (bb));
+              insn = NEXT_INSN (insn))
+           if (INSN_P (insn))
+             {
+               profile_record[index].size[subpass]
+                  += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), false);
+               if (profile_status == PROFILE_READ)
+                 profile_record[index].time[subpass]
+                    += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), true) * bb->count;
+               else if (profile_status == PROFILE_GUESSED)
+                 profile_record[index].time[subpass]
+                    += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), true) * bb->frequency;
+             }
+       }
+    }
+ }
+ /* Output profile consistency.  */
+ void
+ dump_profile_report (void)
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   int last_freq_in = 0, last_count_in = 0, last_freq_out = 0, last_count_out 
= 0;
+   gcov_type last_time = 0, last_size = 0;
+   double rel_time_change, rel_size_change;
+   int last_reported = 0;
+   if (!profile_record)
+     return;
+   fprintf (stderr, "\nProfile consistency report:\n\n");
+   fprintf (stderr, "Pass name                        |mismatch in |mismated 
+   fprintf (stderr, "                                 |freq count  |freq count 
 |size      time\n");
+   for (i = 0; i < passes_by_id_size; i++)
+     for (j = 0 ; j < 2; j++)
+       if (profile_record[i].run)
+       {
+         if (last_time)
+           rel_time_change = (profile_record[i].time[j]
+                              - (double)last_time) * 100 / (double)last_time;
+         else
+           rel_time_change = 0;
+         if (last_size)
+           rel_size_change = (profile_record[i].size[j]
+                              - (double)last_size) * 100 / (double)last_size;
+         else
+           rel_size_change = 0;
+         if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j] != last_freq_in
+             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j] != last_freq_out
+             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j] != last_count_in
+             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j] != last_count_out
+             || rel_time_change || rel_size_change)
+           {
+             last_reported = i;
+               fprintf (stderr, "%-20s %s",
+                      passes_by_id [i]->name,
+                      j ? "(after TODO)" : "            ");
+             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j] != last_freq_in)
+               fprintf (stderr, "| %+5i",
+                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j]
+                         - last_freq_in);
+             else
+               fprintf (stderr, "|      ");
+             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j] != last_count_in)
+               fprintf (stderr, " %+5i",
+                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j]
+                         - last_count_in);
+             else
+               fprintf (stderr, "      ");
+             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j] != last_freq_out)
+               fprintf (stderr, "| %+5i",
+                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j]
+                         - last_freq_out);
+             else
+               fprintf (stderr, "|      ");
+             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j] != 
+               fprintf (stderr, " %+5i",
+                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j]
+                         - last_count_out);
+             else
+               fprintf (stderr, "      ");
+             /* Size/time units change across gimple and RTL.  */
+             if (i == pass_expand.pass.static_pass_number)
+               fprintf (stderr, "|----------");
+             else
+               {
+                 if (rel_size_change)
+                   fprintf (stderr, "| %+8.4f%%", rel_size_change);
+                 else
+                   fprintf (stderr, "|          ");
+                 if (rel_time_change)
+                   fprintf (stderr, " %+8.4f%%", rel_time_change);
+               }
+             fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+             last_freq_in = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j];
+             last_freq_out = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j];
+             last_count_in = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j];
+             last_count_out = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j];
+           }
+         else if (j && last_reported != i)
+           {
+             last_reported = i;
+               fprintf (stderr, "%-20s ------------|            |            
+                      passes_by_id [i]->name);
+           }
+         last_time = profile_record[i].time[j];
+         last_size = profile_record[i].size[j];
+       }
+ }
Index: basic-block.h
*** basic-block.h       (revision 192158)
--- basic-block.h       (working copy)
*************** extern void alloc_aux_for_edge (edge, in
*** 741,746 ****
--- 741,747 ----
  extern void alloc_aux_for_edges (int);
  extern void clear_aux_for_edges (void);
  extern void free_aux_for_edges (void);
+ extern void check_profile_consistency (int, int, bool);
  /* In cfganal.c  */
  extern void find_unreachable_blocks (void);
Index: passes.c
*** passes.c    (revision 192164)
--- passes.c    (working copy)
*************** execute_function_dump (void *data ATTRIB
*** 1778,1986 ****
- /* Make statistic about profile consistency.  */
- struct profile_record
- {
-   int num_mismatched_freq_in[2];
-   int num_mismatched_freq_out[2];
-   int num_mismatched_count_in[2];
-   int num_mismatched_count_out[2];
-   bool run;
-   gcov_type time[2];
-   int size[2];
- };
- static struct profile_record *profile_record;
- static void
- check_profile_consistency (int index, int subpass, bool run)
- {
-   basic_block bb;
-   edge_iterator ei;
-   edge e;
-   int sum;
-   gcov_type lsum;
-   if (index == -1)
-     return;
-   if (!profile_record)
-     profile_record = XCNEWVEC (struct profile_record,
-                              passes_by_id_size);
-   gcc_assert (index < passes_by_id_size && index >= 0);
-   gcc_assert (subpass < 2);
-   profile_record[index].run |= run;
-   FOR_ALL_BB (bb)
-    {
-       if (bb != EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
-         && profile_status != PROFILE_ABSENT)
-       {
-         sum = 0;
-         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->succs)
-           sum += e->probability;
-         if (EDGE_COUNT (bb->succs) && abs (sum - REG_BR_PROB_BASE) > 100)
-           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_freq_out[subpass]++;
-         lsum = 0;
-         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->succs)
-           lsum += e->count;
-         if (EDGE_COUNT (bb->succs)
-             && (lsum - bb->count > 100 || lsum - bb->count < -100))
-           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_count_out[subpass]++;
-       }
-       if (bb != ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
-         && profile_status != PROFILE_ABSENT)
-       {
-         sum = 0;
-         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->preds)
-           sum += EDGE_FREQUENCY (e);
-         if (abs (sum - bb->frequency) > 100
-             || (MAX (sum, bb->frequency) > 10
-                 && abs ((sum - bb->frequency) * 100 / (MAX (sum, 
bb->frequency) + 1)) > 10))
-           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_freq_in[subpass]++;
-         lsum = 0;
-         FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->preds)
-           lsum += e->count;
-         if (lsum - bb->count > 100 || lsum - bb->count < -100)
-           profile_record[index].num_mismatched_count_in[subpass]++;
-       }
-       if (bb == ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun)
-         || bb == EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION (cfun))
-       continue;
-       if ((cfun && (cfun->curr_properties & PROP_trees)))
-       {
-         gimple_stmt_iterator i;
-         for (i = gsi_start_bb (bb); !gsi_end_p (i); gsi_next (&i))
-           {
-             profile_record[index].size[subpass]
-                += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i), &eni_size_weights);
-             if (profile_status == PROFILE_READ)
-               profile_record[index].time[subpass]
-                  += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i),
-                                         &eni_time_weights) * bb->count;
-             else if (profile_status == PROFILE_GUESSED)
-               profile_record[index].time[subpass]
-                  += estimate_num_insns (gsi_stmt (i),
-                                         &eni_time_weights) * bb->frequency;
-           }
-       }
-       else if (cfun && (cfun->curr_properties & PROP_rtl))
-       {
-         rtx insn;
-         for (insn = NEXT_INSN (BB_HEAD (bb)); insn && insn != NEXT_INSN 
(BB_END (bb));
-              insn = NEXT_INSN (insn))
-           if (INSN_P (insn))
-             {
-               profile_record[index].size[subpass]
-                  += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), false);
-               if (profile_status == PROFILE_READ)
-                 profile_record[index].time[subpass]
-                    += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), true) * bb->count;
-               else if (profile_status == PROFILE_GUESSED)
-                 profile_record[index].time[subpass]
-                    += insn_rtx_cost (PATTERN (insn), true) * bb->frequency;
-             }
-       }
-    }
- }
- /* Output profile consistency.  */
- void
- dump_profile_report (void)
- {
-   int i, j;
-   int last_freq_in = 0, last_count_in = 0, last_freq_out = 0, last_count_out 
= 0;
-   gcov_type last_time = 0, last_size = 0;
-   double rel_time_change, rel_size_change;
-   int last_reported = 0;
-   if (!profile_record)
-     return;
-   fprintf (stderr, "\nProfile consistency report:\n\n");
-   fprintf (stderr, "Pass name                        |mismatch in |mismated 
-   fprintf (stderr, "                                 |freq count  |freq count 
 |size      time\n");
-   for (i = 0; i < passes_by_id_size; i++)
-     for (j = 0 ; j < 2; j++)
-       if (profile_record[i].run)
-       {
-         if (last_time)
-           rel_time_change = (profile_record[i].time[j]
-                              - (double)last_time) * 100 / (double)last_time;
-         else
-           rel_time_change = 0;
-         if (last_size)
-           rel_size_change = (profile_record[i].size[j]
-                              - (double)last_size) * 100 / (double)last_size;
-         else
-           rel_size_change = 0;
-         if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j] != last_freq_in
-             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j] != last_freq_out
-             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j] != last_count_in
-             || profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j] != last_count_out
-             || rel_time_change || rel_size_change)
-           {
-             last_reported = i;
-               fprintf (stderr, "%-20s %s",
-                      passes_by_id [i]->name,
-                      j ? "(after TODO)" : "            ");
-             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j] != last_freq_in)
-               fprintf (stderr, "| %+5i",
-                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j]
-                         - last_freq_in);
-             else
-               fprintf (stderr, "|      ");
-             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j] != last_count_in)
-               fprintf (stderr, " %+5i",
-                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j]
-                         - last_count_in);
-             else
-               fprintf (stderr, "      ");
-             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j] != last_freq_out)
-               fprintf (stderr, "| %+5i",
-                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j]
-                         - last_freq_out);
-             else
-               fprintf (stderr, "|      ");
-             if (profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j] != 
-               fprintf (stderr, " %+5i",
-                        profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j]
-                         - last_count_out);
-             else
-               fprintf (stderr, "      ");
-             /* Size/time units change across gimple and RTL.  */
-             if (i == pass_expand.pass.static_pass_number)
-               fprintf (stderr, "|----------");
-             else
-               {
-                 if (rel_size_change)
-                   fprintf (stderr, "| %+8.4f%%", rel_size_change);
-                 else
-                   fprintf (stderr, "|          ");
-                 if (rel_time_change)
-                   fprintf (stderr, " %+8.4f%%", rel_time_change);
-               }
-             fprintf (stderr, "\n");
-             last_freq_in = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_in[j];
-             last_freq_out = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_freq_out[j];
-             last_count_in = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_in[j];
-             last_count_out = profile_record[i].num_mismatched_count_out[j];
-           }
-         else if (j && last_reported != i)
-           {
-             last_reported = i;
-               fprintf (stderr, "%-20s ------------|            |            
-                      passes_by_id [i]->name);
-           }
-         last_time = profile_record[i].time[j];
-         last_size = profile_record[i].size[j];
-       }
- }
  /* Perform all TODO actions that ought to be done on each function.  */
  static void
--- 1778,1783 ----

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