On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Nathan Froyd <froy...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> I see all these patches with mixed feeling - it puts breaks on all
>> developers
>> because they need to learn the new interface which does not bring any
>> immediate benefit.  So I think _your_ development time would be
>> better
>> spent by fixing open bugs or by tackling some of the existing
>> scalability
>> issues in GCC (rather than quoting funny '0.001% faster with 99%
>> confidence'
>> stuff).
> This tone is unnecessary.
Sorry, that wasn't intended.  I question these numbers because
unless you bootstrap say 100 times the noise in bootstrap speed
is way too high to make such claims.  Of course critical information
is missing:

"The new code bootstraps .616% faster with a 99% confidence of being faster."

99% confidence on what basis?  What's your sample size?

Why does the patch need this kind of "marketing"?

> I, for one, think that it's excellent that Lawrence is writing these
> cleanup patches and measuring what impact they have on performance.
> Bonus points that they are making the compiler faster.  Speed of the
> compiler *is* a scalability issue, and it's one that GCC doesn't
> appear to have paid all that much attention to over the years.

I just don't believe the 0.5% numbers.


> -Nathan

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