Hi PA,

Paul-Antoine Arras wrote:
Hi Thomas,
Added libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/dispatch-1.f90.
I see this new test case FAIL (execution test SIGSEGV) for most (but not
all) offloading configurations, both GCN and nvptx:

     +PASS: libgomp.fortran/dispatch-1.f90   -O  (test for excess errors)
     +FAIL: libgomp.fortran/dispatch-1.f90   -O  execution test

Thanks for pointing that out! The testcase missed an OpenMP target directive. The attached patch should fix it.
--- libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/dispatch-1.f90
+++ libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/dispatch-1.f90
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module procedures
      call c_f_pointer(d_av, fp_av, [n])
! Perform operations on target
+    !$omp target is_device_ptr(fp_bv, fp_av)
      do i = 1, n
        fp_bv(i) = fp_av(i) * i
      end do

I think the patch is okay in the sense that it works;
still, I think you should consider the following.

Using 'is_device_ptr' for for an argument that
is not a type(c_ptr) is deprecated since OpenMP 5.1 and
removed from the specification since OpenMP 6.0.

Thus, it would be a bit cleaner (and might avoid future
-Wdeprecated warnings) using
has_device_addr(fp_bv, fp_av) instead. (5.1 semantic states that this replacement happens automatically when the is_device_ptr argument is not a C_PTR.) Albeit it feels a bit cleaner to move the device pointer handling to the device side, i.e. implicit none integer :: res, n, i type(c_ptr) :: d_bv type(c_ptr) :: d_av !$omp target is_device_ptr(d_bv, d_av) block real(8), pointer :: fp_bv(:), fp_av(:) ! Fortran pointers for array access ! Associate C pointers with Fortran pointers call c_f_pointer(d_bv, fp_bv, [n]) call c_f_pointer(d_av, fp_av, [n]) ! Perform operations on target do i = 1, n fp_bv(i) = fp_av(i) * i end do end block However, as all variants work in practice, I don't feel strong about it, with a small preference of a variant that does not use deprecated features. (Both dispatch and the has_device_addr clause/the deprecation are new with OpenMP 5.1) Tobias

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