> The base types are unchanged, the (non-private) subtypes defined in
> System.C_Time only add range constraints preventing some obviously
> invalid values. I do not understand how this could break existing
> code, could you please give an example?

OK, that should work indeed, so I withdraw my comment.

> > It may be surprising to have the RTEMS file used by other OS. The
> > original comment should have mentionned that in the first place, but
> > the file was only used with RTEMS. With your change, the file is
> > effectively shared, so it would be best to rename it.
> Could you please suggest an appropriate file name?  This may be
> obvious for you, but with my limited knowledge of GNAT internals, the
> diff between s-osprim__rtems.adb and __unix/optide.adb is not
> sufficient to guess why a separate implementation is/was required.

Would it be possible to drop it altogether and use s-osprim__posix.adb instead?
Otherwise what's the remaining difference between s-osprim__posix.adb and 
s-osprim__rtems.adb? The difference should help us find a proper name based on 
properties of the file.

> Version 12 is attached.

Can you post also a diff between version 11 and version 12? It's not practical 
to review the complete changes from scratch at this stage, the patch is too big.



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