Hi Sandra,

Am 16.07.24 um 19:03 schrieb Sandra Loosemore:
Well, I still do not understand why backward compatibility concerns specific to some other directive should affect the ABI for a new directive that does not have any current libgomp runtime support,

I am happy that I managed to explain you the background of the "-1" mess. Otherwise:

The backward-compatibility hack is not required, but it has two advantages: consistency of the values used and it makes the code inside target.c way simpler by just using

  struct gomp_device_descr *devicep = resolve_device (device, true);

instead of handling several additional cases.

However, as written, avoiding the '(n == -1) ? -2 : n' code generation also has advantages; hence, I am also happy with that variant. (i.e. -2 or -3 denoting the default device).

However, if you use -2 == default device, you need to fix the libgomp/target.c implementation as your code doesn't handle omp_default_device correctly, which 'resolve_device (device, true);' would handle automatically.

you just tell me what ABI you want me to implement and I will re-do the code that way.

Having looked at the code again – and in particular at libgomp/target.c, I realized the merits of using -2. Thus, at the end, I am happy with *either* variant.

But either version requires some changes: One the creation of the conditional gimple code + much simplified code in target.c. And the other, keeping the current gimple code – but fixing/extending target.c.


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