On 11/20/22 18:36, Kito Cheng wrote:
So the idea here is just to define the extension so that it gets defined
in the ISA strings and passed through to the assembler, right?
That will also define arch test marco:


Sorry I should have been clearer and included the test macro(s) as well.

So a better summary would be that while it doesn't change the codegen behavior in the compiler, it does provide the mechanisms to pass along isa strings to other tools such as the assembler and signal via the test macros that this extension is available.

If so I think that it meets Andrew's requirements and at least some of those issues raised by Jim.   But I'm not sure it can address your concern WRT consistency.  In fact, I don't really see a way to address that concern with option #2 which Andrew seems to think is the only reasonable path forward from an RVI standpoint.

I'm at a loss for next steps, particularly as the newbie in this world.


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