On 01/11/2012 02:08 PM, Janne Blomqvist wrote:
Checking for an absolute path is already done a few lines up. So if
you prefer the kind of approach that you have in your patch, IMHO a
more correct patch would be

I had a quick chat with Kai and decided to leave the lower part as is. However, I realized that the check for an absolute path is not correct for Windows. With the help of Kai I came up with the attached version.

OK for the trunk?

2012-01-11  Tobias Burnus  <bur...@net-b.de>

	* runtime/main.c (store_exe_path): Fix absolute path
	detection for Windows.

Index: libgfortran/runtime/main.c
--- libgfortran/runtime/main.c	(revision 183093)
+++ libgfortran/runtime/main.c	(working copy)
@@ -105,15 +105,22 @@ store_exe_path (const char * argv0)
-  /* On the simulator argv is not set.  */
-  if (argv0 == NULL || argv0[0] == '/')
+  /* If the path is absolute or on an simulator where argv is not set.  */
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+  if (argv0 == NULL
+      || ('A' <= argv0[0] && argv0[0] <= 'Z' && argv0[1] == ':')
+      || ('a' <= argv0[0] && argv0[0] <= 'z' && argv0[1] == ':')
+      || (argv0[0] == '/' && argv0[1] == '/')
+      || (argv0[0] == '\\' && argv0[1] == '\\'))
+  if (argv0 == NULL || argv0[0] == DIR_SEPARATOR)
       exe_path = argv0;
       please_free_exe_path_when_done = 0;
-  memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf));
   cwd = getcwd (buf, sizeof (buf));
   if (!cwd)

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