On 8/2/19 1:06 PM, Richard Biener wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 1:01 PM Martin Liška <mli...@suse.cz> wrote:
>> On 8/2/19 12:54 PM, Maxim Kuvyrkov wrote:
>>>> On Aug 2, 2019, at 1:26 PM, Martin Liška <mli...@suse.cz> wrote:
>>>> On 8/2/19 10:41 AM, Maxim Kuvyrkov wrote:
>>>>> In the end, I don't care much to which version of the repo we switch, as 
>>>>> long as we switch.
>>>> Hi Maxim.
>>>> I really appreciate that you've been working on that. Same as you I would 
>>>> like to see
>>>> any change that will lead to a git repository.
>>>> I have couple of questions about the upcoming Cauldron:
>>>> - Are you planning to attend?
>>> Unfortunately, I won't attend this time.
>> I see.
>>>> - Would it be possible to prepare a voting during e.g. Steering Committee 
>>>> where
>>>>  we'll vote about transition options?
>>>> - Would it make sense to do an online questionnaire in advance in order
>>>>  to guess what's prevailing opinion?
>>>> If you are interested, I can help you?
>>> Let's organize an online survey now.  While most active GCC developers will 
>>> attend Cauldron, many others will not, so we shouldn't rely on Cauldron to 
>>> make any final decisions.
>> Sure, online is the best option as all active community members can vote.
>>> Martin, would you please organize the survey?
>> Yes, but I haven't followed the discussion in recent weeks. Is the only 
>> question
>> whether we want the current GIT mirror or your rebased git repository?
>> Is Eric Raymond's transition still in play or not?
> 1) Stay with SVN
> 2) Switch to the existing GIT mirror
> 3) Wait for ERS to complete his conversion to GIT
> 4) Use the existing new conversion to GIT fixing authors and commit messages
> 5) I don't care
> 6) I don't care as long as we switch to GIT
>> Are there any other sub-question regarding commit message format, git hooks, 
>> etc.
>> that will deserve a place in the questionnaire?
> No, please do not make it unnecessarily complicated.  Maybe the questionaire
> can include a free-form text field for more comments.
> Btw, I do not believe we should do this kind of voting.  Who's eligible to 
> vote?
> Is the vote anonymous?  What happens when the majority (what is the majority?)
> votes for option N?
> IMHO voting is bike-shedding.
> Those who do the work decide.  _They_ may ask questions _and_ decide whether
> to listen to the answer.
> Richard.
>> Thank,
>> Martin
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Maxim Kuvyrkov
>>> www.linaro.org

So Richi is suggesting to finish all necessary for transition before we'll vote.
That should include bugzilla reporting script and maybe other git hooks?
Do we have a checklist of these? Jason?


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