On Wed, 8 Feb 2017, Marek Polacek wrote:
> Like this?

 As a consequence, the following examples are invalid and G++ will no longer
-compile them:
+compile them, because, in the following examples, G++ used to treat
+<code>this-><em>member</em></code> where member has a non-dependent type, as
+type-dependent, and now it doesn't.

This has two instances of "the following examples".  Perhaps omit
the second instance and break the sentence, putting "G++ used to
treat..." in parenthesis after the first sentence, or adding this
explanation after the examples?

Also you'll need to write "-&gt;" instead of "->", and <em>member</em>
the second time as well (or <i>member</i> which we use in other places
in changes.html for this kind of usage).

This is fine with those changes, thanks.


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