On Mon, 9 Nov 2015, Trevor Saunders wrote:

> The add default macro definitions then wrap those with hooks, then
> target by target replace the macro by hook overrides approach seems to
> provide that you can incrementally test and fiind most of the issues,
> but the change a macro every where approach doesn't really.

I have this notion that once a target macro is "regular" enough - not used 
in code built for the target, not used in driver code, not used directly 
or indirectly in #if conditions except for the single default definition 
in defaults.h, target definitions only depend on the target architecture 
and not OS or other variations - it ought to be possible to do the 
conversion to a hook with some kind of automated refactoring tool 
(possibly with a little editing of its results).  And so this sort of 
regularizing of target macros is helpful because it increases the number 
of target macros that could be converted in an automated manner.

Joseph S. Myers

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