On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 01:00:09AM +0200, Tobias Grosser wrote:
> Hi,
> I propose to switch to the official cloog.org cloog version with isl backend 
> and
> at the same time to remove support for both CLooG-PPL legacy as well as
> CLooG-Parma.
> We want to switch to cloog-isl as it is the only officially maintained version
> of cloog. Furthermore, it provides features that will help to fix some bugs in
> the graphite code generation[1].
> The reason to abond CLooG-PPL (legacy version) is, that cloog-isl provides the
> new CloogInput library interface. This interface is not available the old 
> CLooG.
> I plan to move graphite to this interface. As I do not see enough benefits 
> from
> being able to use CLooG PPL, I decided to not introduce any compatibility
> scheme, but just remove any code that is only needed for CLooG-PPL.
> I also removed CLooG-Parma (cloog.org with PPL backend), as it is currently 
> not
> actively maintained and not well tested. I believe our time is better spent on
> improving graphite or cloog isl, as in putting time into this cloog version.
> So here we are: Moving graphite back to the official cloog.org version!
> Passes 'make check RUNTESTFLAGS=graphite.exp' as well as a bootstrap on Linux
> amd64.
> Cheers
> Tobi

   Are there any additional plans for gcc 4.7? In particular, wasn't the 
option supported to be enabled at -O3 by defaulting ftree-loop-linear on which 
is now an alias
of -floop-interchange since gcc 4.6?

> P.S.: Why do we move to the super latest one. Because we expect that most 
> users
> would need an update, and, as we will soon use some of the newer features, 
> there
> is no need to force another update later.
> Tobias Grosser (3):
>   Make CLooG isl the only supported CLooG version.
>   Require cloog 0.16.3
>   Remove code that supported legacy CLooG.
>  ChangeLog                      |   17 +++
>  config/cloog.m4                |  109 ++--------------
>  configure                      |  176 ++------------------------
>  configure.ac                   |    2 +-
>  gcc/ChangeLog                  |   18 +++
>  gcc/Makefile.in                |    4 +-
>  gcc/graphite-clast-to-gimple.c |   93 ++++++--------
>  gcc/graphite-cloog-compat.h    |  275 
> ----------------------------------------
>  gcc/graphite-cloog-util.c      |   15 +--
>  gcc/graphite-cloog-util.h      |    1 -
>  gcc/graphite.c                 |    2 -
>  11 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 606 deletions(-)
>  delete mode 100644 gcc/graphite-cloog-compat.h
> -- 

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