On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tobias Grosser <tob...@grosser.es> wrote:
> On 07/22/2011 10:08 AM, Richard Guenther wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 1:00 AM, Tobias Grosser<tob...@grosser.es>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I propose to switch to the official cloog.org cloog version with isl
>>> backend and
>>> at the same time to remove support for both CLooG-PPL legacy as well as
>>> CLooG-Parma.
>>> We want to switch to cloog-isl as it is the only officially maintained
>>> version
>>> of cloog. Furthermore, it provides features that will help to fix some
>>> bugs in
>>> the graphite code generation[1].
>>> The reason to abond CLooG-PPL (legacy version) is, that cloog-isl
>>> provides the
>>> new CloogInput library interface. This interface is not available the old
>>> CLooG.
>>> I plan to move graphite to this interface. As I do not see enough
>>> benefits from
>>> being able to use CLooG PPL, I decided to not introduce any compatibility
>>> scheme, but just remove any code that is only needed for CLooG-PPL.
>>> I also removed CLooG-Parma (cloog.org with PPL backend), as it is
>>> currently not
>>> actively maintained and not well tested. I believe our time is better
>>> spent on
>>> improving graphite or cloog isl, as in putting time into this cloog
>>> version.
>>> So here we are: Moving graphite back to the official cloog.org version!
>> Does that mean GCC no longer needs PPL?  If it is like today (we are going
>> to link against both ISL and PPL) then I am opposed to this change.
> No, this does not mean we do not need PPL anymore. Graphite itself still
> uses PPL. This change only affects the version of CLooG used.
> This also means Graphite itself does for now not directly link to isl (at
> least it it is not a static build), as isl is only used in CLooG itself. It
> is also part of the official cloog-isl tar file, such that there is no need
> to download and install yet another library.
> As you mentioned we may want to switch to use isl itself later, as it has
> some advantages over PPL, however this might be evaluated in a separate
> step.

Please, it would be highly desirable to get rid of that build dependency ...

Btw, for interested people, I figured out how to build cloog so it links
isl statically,
export cloog_configure_args="--enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic"
before configuring (yes, that will still build libcloog itself shared).


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