Hi Gerald,
On 27 Dec 12:07, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> On Friday 2014-12-12 14:43, Kirill Yukhin wrote:
> > These change adds mention of OpenMP4 offloading support in GCC: in 
> > release notes and in news section of main page.
> good you thought of that, thank you!
> > Index: htdocs/index.html
> > ===================================================================
> > + <dt><span>OpenMP 4.0 offloading support in GCC</span>
> > +     <span class="date">[2014-12-12]</span></dt>
> > +     <dd><a href="http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.pdf";>
> > +     OpenMP 4.0</a> offloading features support was added to GCC. Generic 
> > changes:
> How about omitting "features" in the above?
> > +     <li>Generic infrastructure (suitable for any vendor).</li>
> > +     <li>Testsuite which covers offloading from
> > +     <a href="http://openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.Examples.pdf";>
> > +     OpenMP 4.0 Examples</a> document.</li>
> "from the"
> > +     Specific for upcoming Intel MIC products:
> Is everyone aware what MIC stands for, or is that the marketing
> name?
> > +     <li>Runtime library.</li>
> I believe that would be "run-time library"?
> > +    Contributed by Jakub Jelinek (RedHat), Thomas Schwinge (CodeSourcery),
> Red Hat.  It's Red Hat.  Two words.  Why does "everybody" get 
> this wrong?
> > +     Bernd Schmidt (CodeSourcery), Andrey Turetskiy (Intel),
> > +     Ilya Verbin (Intel) and Kirill Yukhin (Intel).</dd></dt>
> How about if you contract this to "Thomas Schwinge and Bernd
> Schmidt (CodeSourcery)" and similarly for you guys from Intel?
> Incidently the alphabetical ordering nicely supports this here.
> Note: Schwinge > Schmidt, so I think you'll want to switch those two.
> That said, overall this is a bit too long for an entry on the home
> page.  Can you put all those details in the gcc-5/changes.html page
> (this is good material) and link to it from a shortened entry for
> the home page?
> > Index: htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html
> > ===================================================================
> >   <h2 id="languages">New Languages and Language specific 
> > improvements</h2> + <ul> + <li><a 
> > href="http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.pdf";> OpenMP 4.0 
> > + specification</a> offloading features are now supported in C/C++ and 
> > + Fortran compiler</li> + </ul>
> "supported by the C, C++ and Fortran compilers" (plural)
> (This adds "the", but also splits C and C++ which really are to
> different compilers in many ways.  No need to be shy. ;-)
> Given the number of suggestions, in this case I'd prefer to have
> another look at an updated version.  Now that I am back online, I
> should be able to turn this quickly.
Thanks for extended review!

I hope I taken into account all your inputs.
Updated patch in the bottom.

Thanks, K

Index: htdocs/index.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.942
diff -p -r1.942 index.html
*** htdocs/index.html   17 Nov 2014 08:59:33 -0000      1.942
--- htdocs/index.html   30 Dec 2014 15:46:13 -0000
*************** mission statement</a>.</p>
*** 52,57 ****
--- 52,76 ----
  <dl class="news">
+ <dt><span>OpenMP 4.0 offloading support in GCC</span>
+     <span class="date">[2014-12-12]</span></dt>
+     <dd><a href="http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.pdf";>
+     OpenMP 4.0</a> offloading support was added to GCC.
+     Contributed by Jakub Jelinek (Red Hat), Bernd Schmidt and
+     Thomas Schwinge (CodeSourcery), Andrey Turetskiy,
+     Ilya Verbin and Kirill Yukhin (Intel). <a 
+     Details.</a></dd></dt>
  <dt><span><a href="gcc-4.9/">GCC 4.9.2</a> released</span>
      <span class="date">[2014-10-30]</span></dt>
Index: htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -p -r1.50 changes.html
*** htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html   10 Dec 2014 00:28:18 -0000      1.50
--- htdocs/gcc-5/changes.html   30 Dec 2014 15:46:13 -0000
*** 83,88 ****
--- 83,105 ----
  <h2 id="languages">New Languages and Language specific improvements</h2>
+   <ul>
+     <li id="offload"><a 
+       OpenMP 4.0 specification</a> offloading features are now supported by 
the C, C++,
+         and Fortran compilers. Generic changes:
+         <ul>
+           <li>Infrastructure (suitable for any vendor).</li>
+           <li>Testsuite which covers offloading from the
+           <a href="http://openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.Examples.pdf";>
+           OpenMP 4.0 Examples</a> document.</li>
+         </ul>
+         Specific for upcoming Intel Xeon Phi products:
+         <ul>
+           <li>Run-time library.</li>
+           <li>Card emulator.</li>
+         </ul>
+     </li>
+   </ul>
  <!-- h3 id="ada">Ada</h3 -->

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