2011-06-05  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely....@gmail.com>

        * include/bits/ptr_traits.h (pointer_traits): Fix typos.
        * include/ext/pointer.h (pointer_traits): Add partial specialization
        for _Pointer_adapter.

This fixes a couple of dumb mistakes in pointer_traits (type vs __type
and not actually declaring friends as friends) and adds a
specialization for __gnu_cxx::_Pointer_adapter, which is needed
because the default specialization gives the wrong result for
pointer_traits::rebind, preventing _Pointer_adapter from being used by
containers using the full C++0x allocator API (which I'm currently
working on.)

Tested x86_64-linux and committed to trunk.
Index: include/bits/ptr_traits.h
--- include/bits/ptr_traits.h   (revision 174624)
+++ include/bits/ptr_traits.h   (working copy)
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_HAS_NESTED_TYPE(difference_type
   /* TODO: remove second bool when alias templates are supported */
   template<typename _Tp, typename _Up,
-           bool = __ptrtr_rebind_helper<_Tp, _Up>::value,
-           bool = __ptrtr_rebind_helper2<_Tp, _Up>::value>
+           bool = __ptrtr_rebind_helper<_Tp, _Up>::__value,
+           bool = __ptrtr_rebind_helper2<_Tp, _Up>::__value>
     struct __ptrtr_rebind;
   template<typename _Tp, typename _Up, bool _B2>
@@ -178,8 +178,9 @@ _GLIBCXX_HAS_NESTED_TYPE(difference_type
         { typedef typename __ptrtr_rebind<_Ptr, _Up>::__type __type; };
       // allocator_traits needs to use __rebind
-      template<typename> struct allocator_traits;
-      template<typename, typename> class __ptrtr_rebind_helper2;
+      template<typename> friend struct allocator_traits;
+      template<typename> friend struct pointer_traits;
+      template<typename, typename> friend class __ptrtr_rebind_helper2;
Index: include/ext/pointer.h
--- include/ext/pointer.h       (revision 174624)
+++ include/ext/pointer.h       (working copy)
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
 #include <bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h>
 #include <ext/cast.h>
 #include <ext/type_traits.h>
+# include <bits/ptr_traits.h>
 namespace __gnu_cxx _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
 } // namespace
+namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
+  template<typename _Storage_policy>
+    struct pointer_traits<__gnu_cxx::_Pointer_adapter<_Storage_policy>>
+    {
+      /// The pointer type
+      typedef __gnu_cxx::_Pointer_adapter<_Storage_policy>         pointer;
+      /// The type pointed to
+      typedef typename pointer::element_type            element_type;
+      /// Type used to represent the difference between two pointers
+      typedef typename pointer::difference_type         difference_type;
+      /* TODO: replace __rebind<U> with alias template rebind<U> */
+      /*
+      template<typename _Up>
+        using rebind<_Up> = typename __gnu_cxx::_Pointer_adapter<
+          typename pointer_traits<_Storage_policy>::rebind<_Up>>
+      */
+      template<typename _Up>
+        class __rebind
+        {
+          typedef pointer_traits<_Storage_policy> _Policy_traits;
+          typedef typename _Policy_traits::template __rebind<_Up>::__type
+            _Rebound_policy;
+        public:
+          typedef typename __gnu_cxx::_Pointer_adapter<_Rebound_policy> __type;
+        };
+    };
+} // namespace
 #endif // _POINTER_H

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