My message below was intended for the entire list, not just for Matthew.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Hargrove <>
Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Gcc-cfarm-users] Future of non-x86/Linux platforms?
To: Matthew Fortune <>

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Matthew Fortune <
> wrote:

>  > 1) Is there any effort (current or planned for the near-future) to
> revive any of the IA64, ARM, MIPS or SPARC systems?
> MIPS boards in the form of some edge router pros are currently being
> shipped to the CFarm in France courtesy of Imagination Technologies.

That is good news.  Thanks.

> Ø  2) Is there any desire from users to see QEMU-emulated ARM, MIPS or
> SPARC within cfarm if the real h/w is non-recoverable?
> For non-performance testing I am keen to make as much use of qemu as
> possible in test environments. That includes all of bare metal testing
> using qemu system emulator, Linux tools via the user-mode emulator. I
> haven't ever looked at the performance of building GCC inside a QEMU
> emulated full system emulator with Linux but I suspect it may be
> prohibitively slow.

FWIW: There is a "neat trick" one can use involving distcc.
Basically you run configure and make in the full-system emulated
environment, but the "build" gcc is "distcc" which will ssh to a
cross-compiler running on another host (or more than one).  All pre-process
and link steps remain in the emulated environment, so only a cross-compiler
and cross-assembler are needed - no sysroot filled with headers is libs are
required.  The gcc-4.9-[tuple] and binutils-[tuple] packages from work well for this on an x86-64 host.  While I've not tried
building gcc this way (but might try now with --disable-bootstrap) I've
found this far faster than compiling inside the emulator, and yet easier to
maintain than a classic cross-compile environment[1].  There is the added
bonus that this "just works" for software that has no cross-compilation
support in its build infrastructure, and for things like "make check" that
don't "cross" (except with careful use of QEMU user-mode emulation).
NOTE: This idea is not originally mine.  You can find several online HowTos
on this subject.


[1] Emdebian is missing a working mips cross-gcc for x86-64, though
cross-binutils are available.
So, I had to build my own mips-linux-gnu-gcc but didn't need to worry at
all about the stuff that normally populates the sysroot.

> Thanks,
> Matthew
> *From:* Gcc-cfarm-users [] *On
> Behalf Of *Paul Hargrove
> *Sent:* 28 April 2015 23:32
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Gcc-cfarm-users] Future of non-x86/Linux platforms?
> I've seen this topic addressed in the archives, and don't want to restart
> any of the arguments about how useful/relevant CFarm has become.
> From my point of view "beggars can't be choosers" and so this email is
> just my observations and a few questions and NOT any sort of complaint.
> As others have observed, the gcc-cfarm systems that are currently usable
> are almost exclusively x86-64/Linux.
> There are certainly notable exceptions, such as
> + The POWER7 and POWER8 systems donated by IBM (thanks guys!).
> + AIX and NetBSD on gcc111 and gcc70, respectively
> + The VMs on gcc76
> Since most of us probably use Linux or OSX on x86-64 every day, this is
> not "diverse" for some of us (though I know our definitions of "diverse"
> will differ).
> So, I want to ask:
> 1) Is there any effort (current or planned for the near-future) to revive
> any of the IA64, ARM, MIPS or SPARC systems?
> 2) Is there any desire from users to see QEMU-emulated ARM, MIPS or SPARC
> within cfarm if the real h/w is non-recoverable?
> 3) Is there any desire from the users to see newer {Free,Net,Open}BSD than
> presently in gcc76's set of VMs?
> 4) Is there any desire from the users to see Solaris on x86-64 (either VM
> or bare metal)?
> Before somebody jumps on me:
> I am *not* trying to push more work on the CFarm admin(s).
> In fact, if there is interest in #2 or #3, I may be able to help by
> providing drive images I use on my own system now.
> If there is interest in #4, Oracle provides pre-packed installers for use
> with VirtualBox.
> Of course, if my questions show ignorance of some resources already
> available in the cfarm, please let me know.
> -Paul
> --
> Paul H. Hargrove
> Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
> Computer Science Department
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Paul H. Hargrove                
Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
Computer Science Department               Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

Paul H. Hargrove                
Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
Computer Science Department               Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900
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