I've seen this topic addressed in the archives, and don't want to restart
any of the arguments about how useful/relevant CFarm has become.
>From my point of view "beggars can't be choosers" and so this email is just
my observations and a few questions and NOT any sort of complaint.

As others have observed, the gcc-cfarm systems that are currently usable
are almost exclusively x86-64/Linux.
There are certainly notable exceptions, such as
+ The POWER7 and POWER8 systems donated by IBM (thanks guys!).
+ AIX and NetBSD on gcc111 and gcc70, respectively
+ The VMs on gcc76

Since most of us probably use Linux or OSX on x86-64 every day, this is not
"diverse" for some of us (though I know our definitions of "diverse" will
So, I want to ask:

1) Is there any effort (current or planned for the near-future) to revive
any of the IA64, ARM, MIPS or SPARC systems?

2) Is there any desire from users to see QEMU-emulated ARM, MIPS or SPARC
within cfarm if the real h/w is non-recoverable?

3) Is there any desire from the users to see newer {Free,Net,Open}BSD than
presently in gcc76's set of VMs?

4) Is there any desire from the users to see Solaris on x86-64 (either VM
or bare metal)?

Before somebody jumps on me:

I am *not* trying to push more work on the CFarm admin(s).
In fact, if there is interest in #2 or #3, I may be able to help by
providing drive images I use on my own system now.
If there is interest in #4, Oracle provides pre-packed installers for use
with VirtualBox.

Of course, if my questions show ignorance of some resources already
available in the cfarm, please let me know.


Paul H. Hargrove
Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
Computer Science Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Gcc-cfarm-users mailing list

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