--- Comment #7 from ro at CeBiTec dot Uni-Bielefeld.DE <ro at CeBiTec dot 
Uni-Bielefeld.DE> ---
> --- Comment #6 from Sam James <sjames at gcc dot> ---
> I think if it's working fine for you, I'm not going to worry about it until I
> have cause to log in again and figure out what I did wrong (which is not to be
> dismissive, I just mean I've clearly made some error here, or at least need to
> figure out what I did wrong). Thank you!

This may well be an instance of different PATHs: e.g. I have
/usr/gnu/bin before /usr/bin in my PATH.  Maybe there's a difference
between the GNU and Solaris tools that comes into play?  This is
certainly unfortunately since it caused you time and effort trying to
investigate what may well be a problem with the environment.

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