--- Comment #7 from Jeffrey Walton <noloader at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Andrew Pinski from comment #6)
> >And the program does not take the exception path. Instead it segfaults.
> If I read the backtrace correctly, it is trying to resume an unwind because
> it didn't find a catch that would hit in main but the following code hits
> the assert while unwinding:
>   /* Choose between continuing to process _Unwind_RaiseException
>      or _Unwind_ForcedUnwind.  */
>   if (exc->private_1 == 0)
>     code = _Unwind_RaiseException_Phase2 (exc, &cur_context, &frames);
>   else
>     code = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind_Phase2 (exc, &cur_context, &frames);
>   gcc_assert (code == _URC_INSTALL_CONTEXT);
> And then abort calls raise which then segfaults.

Thanks again Andrew.

We have exception handlers for both CryptoPP::Exception& and std::exception&
starting for main() around . However, we
should not hit either of them. When they trigger there's a problem that needs
to be fixed.

The code in question tests for good and bad digital signatures. It should catch
a SignatureVerificationFailed exception on occasion and this is expected. But
it should catch closer to the the actual test (and not in main or
Test::scoped_main). Not to mention 'catch throw' is not catching anything under

Is there something we should be doing differently?

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