--- Comment #5 from Jeffrey Walton <noloader at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Andrew Pinski from comment #3)
> Though there might be an EH issue but there has not been an EH issue for a
> long time .

This is an interesting observation.

The stack trace shows frame #0 is in pthread_kill_thread (or similar). But up
in our program, around frame #4 or #5, gdb is identifying the line with a catch
(CryptoPP::Exception& ). CryptoPP::Exception is the library's base class
exception, so it should catch everything the library throws.

This is the line gdb faults
( :

    catch(const Exception &e)  // 442
        std::cout << "\nException caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;

which makes no sense to me.

And the program does not take the exception path. Instead it segfaults.

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