--- Comment #3 from Eric Botcazou <ebotcazou at gcc dot> ---
> The addiu s0,s0,0 instruction must only be issued once but instead is in
> several places. This leads to an invalid call at 9c.

Duplicating the instruction is not a problem per se if it is executed only once
on any execution path.  Are you sure that the problem is for the call at 9c?

>   8c: 3c100000        lui     s0,0x0
>                       8c: R_MIPS_HI16 memcmp_
>   90: 24060006        li      a2,6
>   94: 27a50014        addiu   a1,sp,20
>   98: 26100000        addiu   s0,s0,0
>                       98: R_MIPS_LO16 memcmp_
>   9c: 0200f809        jalr    s0

AFAICS there is only one "addiu s0,s0,0" executed after the "lui s0,0x0" in
this basic block.  Doesn't the problem occur for the call in the following
basic block instead?

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