Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Fortran runtime error:      |[4.7/4.8/4.9] Fortran
                   |Sequential READ or WRITE    |runtime error: Sequential
                   |not allowed after EOF       |READ or WRITE not allowed
                   |marker, possibly use REWIND |after EOF marker, possibly
                   |or BACKSPACE                |use REWIND or BACKSPACE

--- Comment #11 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
No error with gfortran  4.4.7, 4.5.4, but gfortran 4.6.4 gives the error. So
marked as a 4.7/4.8/4.9 regression. 

When I'll have learnt how to build foil myself, I'll try to do some bisection
and some reduction.

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