--- Comment #2 from aruopp at gmx dot de --- Hi, compilation of code works without any problems. Only if I execute the code, the problem exists with this error message. The file 'polarfile_1.dat' is written during executing xfoil, but no values are written into the file. I tried to fix it, since error message during run points to mentioned code line in iopol.f, at line 652 (see previous error message with link): DO IA = IA1, IA2 OPEN(LU,FILE=FNPOL,STATUS='OLD',POSITION='APPEND',ERR=90) WRITE(LU,LINEF) & (CPOL(IA,IPOL(KP)), KP=1, NIPOL), & ((CPOLSD(IA,IS,JPOL(KP)), IS=1, 2*NBL), KP=1, NJPOL) CLOSE(LU) ENDDO But this didn't work, too. Why is it working with an older gcc-version? I will try to make a small code example but I'm not a fortran expert.