--- Comment #16 from janus at gcc dot 2013-02-06 10:54:39 UTC ---

(In reply to comment #15)

> (In reply to comment #14)

> > +      if (fsym && fsym->attr.optional && sym && sym->attr.pointer)


> Shouldn't you use something like

>   gfc_expr_attr(expr).pointer 

> Otherwise, I fear it will fail for var%comp


> Additionally, one might have to handle

> - unallocated allocatables

> - NULL()  [= EXPR_NULL]

> - CLASS(), (pointer|allocatable)?

Huh, good point. Here is an extended test case which tests some of these:

program main

  implicit none

  integer, pointer :: p(:)

  integer, allocatable :: a(:)

  type t

    integer, pointer :: p(:)

    integer, allocatable :: a(:)

  end type

  type(t) :: d

  ! (1) pointer

  p => null()

  call sub(p)

  ! (2) allocatable

  call sub(a)

  ! (3) pointer component

  d%p => null ()

  call sub(d%p)

  ! (4) NULL

  call sub(null())


 subroutine sub(x)

   integer, intent(in), optional :: x(4)

 end subroutine


In fact the NULL case is rejected with (certainly a bug):

  call sub(null())


Warning: Actual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument 'x' (1/4)

at (1)

For the allocatable case, no packing is done at all (I guess it's just not

needed there, since an allocatable array, contrary to a pointer, is always

contiguous, right?).

The pointer component case looks completely analogous to the simple pointer

case in the dump, but for some reason I do not see the valgrind errors there.

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