--- Comment #10 from Oleg Smolsky <oleg.smolsky at gmail dot com> 2011-08-25 
22:08:49 UTC ---
BTW, the uint16_t test also got slower for the same very reason. Here is the
inner-most loop generated by g++4.6:

text:0000000000400DA0 loc_400DA0:
.text:0000000000400DA0                 add     eax, 0Ah
.text:0000000000400DA3                 add     ax, [rdx]
.text:0000000000400DA6                 add     rdx, 2
.text:0000000000400DAA                 cmp     rdx, 5092E0h
.text:0000000000400DB1                 jnz     short loc_400DA0

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