--- Comment #14 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> 
2011-07-22 11:29:04 UTC ---
On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, paolo.carlini at oracle dot com wrote:

> --- Comment #11 from Paolo Carlini <paolo.carlini at oracle dot com> 
> 2011-07-22 11:20:36 UTC ---
> It does *not* Richi, there is an using ::asinh above. Exactly the same for
> sinh.

There is also a using ::asinhf but still std:: provides an

Please provide a _complete_ standalone testcase that you think should
work and does not (w/o any includes).

I suspect it's because of

DEF_C99_BUILTIN        (BUILT_IN_CASINH, "casinh", 

so if -std=c++0x does not include C99 functions then we have no
implicit builtin support and the following does not work:

extern "C" double asinh(double x);

namespace std {
    using ::asinh;

int main()
  constexpr double das = std::asinh(1.0);

it also does not work with

namespace std {
    double asinh (double x) { return __builtin_asinh (x); }

int main()
  constexpr double das = std::asinh(1.0);  // Doesn't compile.

but it works with

int main()
  constexpr double das = __builtin_asinh(1.0);  // Doesn't compile.

which means this is still a C++ frontend / library issue.

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