Paolo Carlini <paolo.carlini at oracle dot com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |UNCONFIRMED
         Resolution|WORKSFORME                  |

--- Comment #4 from Paolo Carlini <paolo.carlini at oracle dot com> 2011-07-22 
10:48:51 UTC ---
Richard, we need a target here, because not all targets have asinh (a C99
function) in math.h.

Otherwise, if you take out constexpr, of course it works. Only with constexpr
the issue is interesting, because, roughly speaking, it looks like the
front-end doesn't realize that the whole initialization of das can happen at
compile time. But I'm confused here, because I don't know the details about the
way the C++0x front-end figures out whether a function *not* marked constexpr,
like asinh, actually is being called with compile time constant argument and
thus calling it to initialize constexpr data is fine.

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