janus at gcc dot changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Missing type-bound          |[4.6/4.7 Regression] [OOP]
                   |procedure, "duplicate save" |Missing type-bound
                   |warnings and internal       |procedure, "duplicate save"
                   |compiler error              |warnings and internal
                   |                            |compiler error

--- Comment #5 from janus at gcc dot 2011-05-28 10:03:36 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #4)
> SAVE can be either a statement or an attribute.  When it's statement, it
> affects all the variables within the containing unit

Yes, of course. I completely forgot about this possibility.

Btw, the code in comment #3 works with gfortran 4.5, so it is in fact a

> The standard also allows the confirmation, as an attribute, of the SAVE at the
> module level, so, for a "triple save" example:
> module t1_mod
>     save
>     type :: t1
>         integer :: dummy = 0
>     end type
>     type(t1), save :: a = t1(2), b = t1(3)
> end type
> Which also triggers a duplicate save warning.

This is at best a "double save", and I think the (F08) standard forbids it:

C580 (R553) If a SAVE statement with an omitted saved entity list appears in a
scoping unit, no other appearance of the SAVE attr-spec or SAVE statement is
permitted in that scoping unit.

So I think in this case gfortran correctly complains about a "Duplicate SAVE

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