--- Comment #35 from Vadim Zeitlin <vz-gcc at zeitlins dot org> 2010-10-14 
15:24:57 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #34)
> (In reply to comment #33)
> > Because of this issue, I have been using GCC4.4.x, but do not want to 
> > upgrade
> > to 4.5.x.
> > Why this issue can not been confirmed?
> The way I read it, this is not a bug as Microsoft Visual Studio acts the same
> way (when their precompiled headers are not included).

This reply either demonstrates complete misunderstanding of the issue or is
deliberate misinformation. To set the record straight, Microsoft Visual Studio
absolutely doesn't act the same way and doesn't generate neither object files
nor DLLs of this ridiculous size, whether precompiled headers are used or not.
Besides, the issue does arise when precompiled headers _are_ used with gcc.

Continuing to justify what is clearly and uncontroversially a bad regression in
gcc by "compatibility with MSVC" which never suffered from this problem and
refusing to even acknowledge the issue, let alone revert the breakage, does no
good whatsoever neither to the gcc project nor to its image.

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