--- Comment #28 from Cesar Strauss <cestrauss at gmail dot com> 2010-09-26 
01:11:57 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #25)

>   So I would like to see some proper detailed analysis on object files
> establishing exactly what constitutes all this bloat and where it comes from
> before I commit to what might be the wrong path of action.

Here is a comparison of the output of objdump -h for two compiler versions.
The source is src/common/any.cpp from wxWidgets 2.9.1.
The GCC compilers were downloaded from

GCC 4.5.0 (4.4.0)

Total object file size in bytes: 1,080,971 (110,037)

Total number of sections: 3,062 (318)
Number of:
LINK_ONCE_DISCARD .text$xxx sections: 2,887 (145)
LINK_ONCE_SAME_SIZE typeinfo .rdata$xxx sections: 128 (128)
LINK_ONCE_SAME_SIZE vtable .rdata$xxx sections: 36 (35)
.data$xxx sections: 3 (2)

Size of:
.text: 5,692 (5,308)
.data: 0 (0)
.bss: 72 (88)
.rdata: 2,432 (448)
.gcc_except_table: 5,232 (572)
.ctors: 4 (4)
.eh_frame: 41,996 (2,340)
.drectve: 126,440 (5,416)

Total size of:
LINK_ONCE_DISCARD .text$xxx sections: 132,344 (6,004)
LINK_ONCE_SAME_SIZE typeinfo .rdata$xxx sections: 2,552 (2,552)
LINK_ONCE_SAME_SIZE vtable .rdata$xxx sections: 1,184 (1,160)
.data$xxx sections: 76 (12)

Let me know if you need further info.

I hope this is helpful.


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