--- Comment #19 from David Krauss <potswa at mac dot com> 2010-10-05 02:58:04 
UTC ---
(In reply to comment #18)
> Um... let me see if I got this right: the simulator with a buggy lseek caught 
> a
> bug in your patch not seen in a correctly working environment?  (That could
> actually be issue #3.)

Yep, accidentally seeking off the end causes read() to fail. Trying to read
from the streambuf after a write causes a mode switch and virtual flush, which
succeeds. I accidentally set the return error value variable to success based
on flush success, causing getc() not to return EOF despite failure. The
subsequent read did not have a flush and correctly returned EOF. Apparently
reading after a write at EOF is not in the tests.

> If so, I think that makes the top 5 weird bug behaviors in my experience!
> (Ok, only some 22 years, nothing to speak of.)
> Don't forget that for the new patch, I think we need a separate new regression
> test-case, one that "works" without relying on buggy simulators. :-D

Yeah lol, I don't know if the regression case is really necessary, but I
suppose I should work it in somewhere. Should I reference this bug in regards
to such a change, or does that make more work for you?

Do you mean 22 years of life or 22 years in the field ;v) … I think this is
just serendipitous. Today is my 26th birthday, so you're either making me feel
old or just experienced… I guess cutting my teeth on old Classic Mac OS and
Apple Open Firmware (a fairly large Forth operating system, also deceased) gave
me a fair share of weirdness, nothing has really surprised me for years… but I
did quit software for a while in the meantime and this is my first return to
operating systems…

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