--- Comment #9 from Paolo Carlini <paolo.carlini at oracle dot com> 2010-10-03 
09:22:41 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #8)
> What is the time frame for 4.6.0?

We are still in Stage 1, but I don't have many details at the moment, I would
suggest simply following the various announcements on the gcc mailing list.

> For reference, what needs to be done at this point is a couple of new
> diagnostics
> 1. "forward_list to vector": if the only operations are "insert_after last
> element" and iteration, and if the size is always about the same.
> 2. "forward_list to deque": this needs a cost model.


> Paolo, would it make sense to open tickets for other diagnostics as well,
> even if it would take me a while to close them?  Maybe some student out
> there will pick them if they're well defined.

If you ask me, normally we don't open many PRs for pure enhancement issues, the
situation can quickly grow without control. After all, Bugzilla is for *bugs*.
Thus I would recommend summarizing those issues to a minimal number of PRs,
better if each has a student already "assigned", somehow.

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