------- Comment #18 from ubizjak at gmail dot com  2010-05-12 09:46 -------
FYI, the same failure happens on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, but is silent for some

gmake[4]: Entering directory
Switched to incremental mode
Emulating dirty bits with mprotect/signals
Completed 3 tests
Allocated 5705175 collectable objects
Allocated 306 uncollectable objects
Allocated 3750000 atomic objects
Allocated 34440 stubborn objects
Finalized 6679/6679 objects - finalization is probably ok
Total number of bytes allocated is 327875152
Final heap size is 22253568 bytes
Collector appears to work
Completed 384 collections
PASS: gctest
Leaked composite object at 0x2b5d6f749ef0
(../../../gcc-svn/trunk/boehm-gc/tests/leak_test.c:16, sz=8, NORMAL)

PASS: leaktest
Final heap size is 131072
PASS: middletest
PASS: staticrootstest
All 4 tests passed



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