------- Comment #19 from pault at gcc dot gnu dot org  2009-05-22 13:40 -------
(In reply to comment #18)
> the patch posted here:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/fortran/2009-05/msg00244.html
> allows cp2k in its single source file form, 640klines as made available in
> PR40005, to compile with -fwhole-file (using the ulimit -s unlimited trick).
> Even the 3Gb memory usage seems reasonable. What about turning this option on
> by default now ? The warnings its generates are generally useful, and there is
> the potential gain in performance. 

I have just fixed the problem flagged up in comment #17, have cleaned up the
code somewhat and am just turning my attention to module procedures.  I expect
to get the whole lot sorted in another day or so.

As to the options for its use, I need to check out where we are with the
testsuite.  As you are aware, there are a number of problems there that I will
have to turn to next.  My inclination is to get the patch to full functionality
but to leave it as an experiment for just a little while longer.

It's good news that cp2k is now OK - did the performance improve?





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