In message <iczhmw6v76....@home.home>, Dan Espen <> wrote:
>I think I did another post dealing with xclock, if not change the above >like this: > >xclock -digital -strftime '%a %b %d %T' -geom 300x50+200+200 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OK, so, none of the suggestions that I've received regarding this one simple change have been anyweher near correct. That's probably partly my fault because I apparently didn't explain what I wanted to do all that well. (But in my own defense, that wasn't entirely my fault, as I will explain.) The default theme for fvwm includes a big box that appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Is there a name for that whole thing? If so, and if someone would be kind enough to tell me what it is, then I'll know what to call it in future. Anyway, that wide but not very tall box includes several different parts: 1) A part where all of the current open windows are listed by name (and each name is clickable) 2) A square part consisting of a sort of map, divided into four quadrants that shows you whar part of your four-part virtual desktop you are currently actually looking at. 3) A third and final square part, the same size as part 2, but which is itself subdivided into three parts: 3a) A square space where the biff mailbox+flag icon appears. 3b) A square space where a small analog xclock appears. 3c) A double-wide space, just beneath 3a and 3b where an xload system load graph is *intended* to appear. (This is what kept on referring to as "the blank space".) For me, 3c was in fact just a blank space. I just now figured out why. On FreeBSD, the xload command is in a separate package, all on its own, and that package is *not* currently listed as dependency of the fvwm package. (I will be speakingt o the maintainer about this.) As a result, my system was running without xload even installed. As a result, the space 3c appeared to be just an empty blank space to me. Onec i installed the xload package and restarted X and fvwm however, I got a nice pretty load graph in that double-wide space that I am called 3c. But I personally am not at all interested in see a load graph. I want, and wanted, a digital xclock in there. There is/was alreadyy a line in the default theme file that put the xload graph into the 3c space: *FvwmButtons: (2x1 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xload" `Exec exec xload -bg bisque3 -fg black -update 5 -nolabel`) I ended up simply commenting that out and substituting in the followiing instead: *FvwmButtons: (2x1 Frame 2 Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn) "xclock" `Exec exec xclock -bg bisque3 -fg black -padding 3 -update 1 -digital -strftime '%a %b %d'`) Note that this give me at least part of what I want/wanted. Now at least I am getting something that looks like: Wed Jun 05 in that "blank" space that I am calling 3c... in place of the xload load graph, which I really don't have any interest in. I am *not* getting all of what I had hoped for, which was the day of week, the abbreviated month name, and the day of the month PLUS the current HH:MM:SS (time) but that's simply because the space provide for 3c is not really enough to hold all of this info, at least not without resducing the point size used for the digital xclock to the point where it would become unmreadable. Actually, there is more than enough vertivcal space in the 3c box to hold *two* lines of text, so in theory , at least, I could do: xclock -bg bisque3 -fg black -padding 3 -update 1 -digital -strftime '%a %b %d%n%T' and thus get something like: Wed Jun 05 14:35:17 in the space allocated for the 3c box, but there apparently exits what I must assume is a longstanding bug in xclock -digital where the strftime %n (newline) conversion specification, which *is* understood, by strftime, and which *is* documented in the man page for the libc strftime() function, is not being handled at all properly by the xclock program... yet another thing that I will be filing a bug report on. In any case, I would like to suggest to the fvwm maintainers that they do as I have done and substitute out the xload invocation in the default theme and replace it, as I have done, with a digital xclock display of the current date. This is vastly more likely to be useful to the typical end user than a system load graph. Also, of course, this substitution will reduce the possibility... which I actually encountered... of the xload program/dependency not even being present, resulting in a rather curious looking empty space in the default fvwm theme. I certainly hate to make any reference to any Microsoft OS when conversing with any UNIX people... such as all of you folks... but I must not refrain from noting that on Windows7, at least, the user *does not* see a system load graph, by default, but *does* see the current date & time in the lower right hand corner of his/her screen, by default. Obviously, this is useful information to have on screen at all times. One last thing... As I previously mentioned, there is a rather self-evident bug in fvwm which involves minimized windows and their corresponding icons. Specifically, for reasons that I personally am none too clear on, the icons representing minimized xterm windows all get nicely lined up against the right hand margin of the current desktop, while icons representing minimized browser windows all get nicely lined up against the bottom edge of the current desktop. This is all well and good unless and until one accumulates a lot of such icons, of either type. When and if you do, some of those will end up being rendered *underneath* (and thus partially or totally obscured by) the set of boxes, created by the default theme, as I described them above. I would really appreciate it if the maintainers would fix this self-evident bug. It is most annoying. The minimization/iconization process should not be hiding minimized window icons underneath the boxes created by the default theme. That's just wrong, and one would hope that there might be some simple way to get the window minimization/iconization process to avoid doing this annoying and clearly wrong thing. Regards, rfg