On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Thomas Adam wrote:

the hill such as XZoom probably didn't set XA_WM_NAME -- and as I said
to you before -- the value of "Untitled" is FVWM's default in the case

  actually, you said "Noname", and I then tried with "style Noname"
  as this didn't work, I started the search which led me to "Untitled"

Looking at the source code for xzoom-0.3 (which I'm using on FreeBSD)
I note the following:

XChangeProperty(dpy, win, XA_WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 8,
(unsigned char *)progname, strlen(progname));

   this is a comment. I'll try to recompile after removing the /*  */

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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