On 20 January 2013 10:57, Pierre Frenkiel <pierre.frenk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   So, I decided to find what was the original name, trying "a*", "b*", ...
>   by dichotomy. My patience was rewarded, as I at last found the name
>   which worked:   "Untitled" !!!
>  It looks like a bug in xzoom, don't you agree?

Not necessarily, no.  It's somewhat unusual, but programs as old as
the hill such as XZoom probably didn't set XA_WM_NAME -- and as I said
to you before -- the value of "Untitled" is FVWM's default in the case
when the program doesn't set the WM_NAME.

Looking at the source code for xzoom-0.3 (which I'm using on FreeBSD)
I note the following:

XChangeProperty(dpy, win, XA_WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 8,
(unsigned char *)progname, strlen(progname));

So it's anyone's guess why XZoom doesn't do this.

But this program may well not be maintained any more.

-- Thomas Adam

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