External Email - Use Caution        

That set of files is too large to be included in some packages.   Not 
sure what info you are following about pulling the files from GitHub, but for 
now you could try,
- R.
$ cd $FREESURFER_HOME/python/packages/ERC_bayesian_segmentation$ 
sudo wget https://secure-web.cisco.com/16qOF4aueY_oOax52PDUZUC7cAwLISvtZ1gYw5IfK8pvptXr34gqqfAauqy69giFyApuN5Q7MenD_3R6CBSJRDLtFu76s0punWTnZFxk1t28fX3DUXaAgU7u6Jpw0l6JIrMt9COPv0t7mgwrI4OsdwXF1GcQgVrG24DV9Aadb9YYB-qlgKZfv2rNJTOQqheDxxvIl86qpaEzSOBzAJ_mDc6SIiT5dliYuIxzjvbaJcd6BWI6b67oFwl-lwv9yAUiBlYxpCFj5yGYZ_mfI4Htn5tbay5Rlyc1mecbzP-E3PzVF5rlOpqweWECvGDx7rbXqYRDCbwW6dLKbXNObaFCXhA/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fpub%2Fdist%2Ffreesurfer%2FERC_bayesian_segmentation%2Fatlas_subdirs_20250217.tgz…
 wait for download to finish …$ sudo rm -rf  atlas_full 
 atlas_simplified$ sudo tar 
zxpf ERC_bayesian_segmentation/atlas_subdirs_20250217.tgz$ sudo rm 
On Feb 17, 2025, at 11:27, Chourrout, Matthieu <m.chourr...@ucl.ac.uk> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hi all,
I was trying to run the dev version of FreeSurfer from MailScanner has 
detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to 
be https://secure-web.cisco.com/1gGb7gF2nKiypt4FLjrahIBuWyn147VH1mU3IaLLqH8_i3u7uBp6cFsoWX_1eld_fzGneZzTQVU0CetMWOWdZHbtGJiq4PE0RjbDwN8Uq9VTq3MrfVlqzVDuWE3A0c_3gvxlZoUT8OarfFy8py224p1KriC2mOYuxfyMevXBV6w2dlZvAvZjv2l78MosVTRpHr1FxL52m32wusBlSqTPJ3m_asF8CK01muNMZhGEkyMQITvDXnHOIH9BYRcrXglpsJ5_tbpdGEeaFUxXLUhqzMttL1E0IQ8oyHBDAKn363JcjxmtHg3zN0oDk_QoJitKnkOFbG0MmPTi0BsKQ1MLZlQ/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fpub%2Fdist%2Ffreesurfer%2Fdev%2F%26nbsp;but
 the content from MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to 
behttps://github.com/freesurfer/freesurfer/tree/dev/mri_histo_util/ERC_bayesian_segmentation is
 not present in ${FREESURFER_HOME}/python/packages/
As instructed, I've put atlas_full/ and atlas_simplified/ inside 
${FREESURFER_HOME}/python/packages/ERC_bayesian_segmentation/ when trying 
to run mri_histo_atlas_segment_fireants but had to manually create the 
can't open file 
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Can the files from ERC_bayesian_segmentation/ in GitHub be manually pulled out 
into this directory? Which files are required?
Best regards,
Dr Matthieu Chourrout Research Fellow on Correlative X-ray Imaging for the 
Large-scale Imaging of Neural CircuitsUCL Mechanical EngineeringMaterials, 
Structure and Manufacturing at Harwell (MSMaH)Rm 4.17 Malet Place Eng. 
Building, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JEBloomsbury Campus, University 
College London_______________________________________________Freesurfer mailing 

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