External Email - Use Caution        

Dear TRACULA experts,

I'm trying to run TRACULA for one subject (multiple scans, longitudinal)
but I'm getting the following error. Is there a way to fix this? I attach
the b-vals and b-vecs.

EDDY:::  AcqPara::AcqPara: Unrealistic read-out time
EDDY:::  EddyHelperClasses.cpp:::  EDDY::AcqPara::AcqPara(const
ColumnVector&, double):  Exception thrown
EDDY::: Eddy failed with message EDDY:::  ECScanClasses.cpp:::
 EDDY::ECScanManager::ECScanManager(const string&, const string&, const
string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const
string&, EDDY::ECModel, EDDY::ECModel, const std::vector<unsigned int>&,
const EDDY::PolationPara&, EDDY::MultiBandGroups, bool):  Exception thrown

The mentioned acquisition parameters are
0 -1 0 .000087629746
0 1 0 .000087629746

Thank you,


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Attachment: dwi_orig.1.bvals
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dwi_orig.1.bvecs
Description: Binary data

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