Is this just a visualization issue? What is your freeview command?

On 11/12/2024 3:55 AM, Koen Van Leemput wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Jin,

To me it doesn't sound like a resolution issue: samseg will happily "eat" whatever resolution you have in your images, although for multicontrast data such as yours you'd need to resample all contrasts to the image grid of one contrast (typically T1 since it's higher resolution). I'm guessing top/bottom axial slices in the FLAIR were simply not acquired?


On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 4:32 PM Jin Liu <> wrote:

            External Email - Use Caution

    Hello Freesurfer team,

    I tried to use SAMSEG-long to deal with my longitudinal data with
    paired MPRAGE and FLAIR images. But when I checked the original
    FLAIR images I have, I found that they have a voxel resolution of
    1.333333 x 1.333333 x 2.000000. When I view it on Freeview,
    although the axial view is fine, only a rectangular portion of the
    sagittal and coronal brain is available, with the top and the
    bottom cut off. I guess it’s probably due to resampling issue that
    assumes isotropic voxels which we do not have. Is there any way to
    fix this problem?



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