External Email - Use Caution        

Awesome, Will this version be able to process over older versions of

On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 11:54 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi All, as some of you have figured out, we have a beta version of FS
> 8.0.0. Please give it a spin and let us know if you have any problems or
> concerns.
> The release notes are here
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1nfzJIH7mosYphab5nKXdF6Pe6cRILHpFbuENvvf0xNybGXN5dFVNHJpGgR0en61nEygdqxr_r1Wc2lzTP8tMxj2Mm5Kd12legZwYkmuUNI6W1pV128FFEKR50sXw0SWoAhimRb0wA4zNSb8vHOLda-h3SFtiXHW3UijR_Q2VNWxXg9Mf_u2QEuTxw6FSxJfmShpM3jaSD_K-mKrVmEKpykxD0152nXBL4MJ2LBp6Rio8mv0TzalahFHdHUqcEqnNmqL-1p1v1D3WuBFgM7CaT1LKZ5UQdNaQRKtd65tOkK2y1wIdk-WpFqLJknkohHGN/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FReleaseNotes
>  which I have
> copied below.
> One bug that we have already found is that you must set environment
> variable FS_ALLOW_DEEP to 1, eg, export FS_ALLOW_DEEP=1 (for bash) or
> setenv FS_ALLOW_DEEP 1 (for csh/tcsh)
> thanks
> doug
>    -
>    Now uses SynthSeg 
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1KBsMN2BPKXgFi2gdkFpM55EcglFvUieMSC91xEli7Gih0z7b614Aab1GJgskTCYke2PuFnswV1hgD8u4nKYa8qMZ56B8A8PyQ1PWichRRzI-OEimPC821sAeiu-pzo0Pi66Y3tKOQEmBj3zsy3LPEca2e35qnmjk8bQlUMIK420Yl0Wyp-2Zun1yWx-KcSQ6HeWNeT06W8plWjAv65wqzY3Jlo3jB_ee1aglB1FAOFqy5Ue5RU63BdmWOeX36flyPoiFNj6XyHrYmLsoqNf9bNHQrtUgysUnQtNo0E0CCsb6HLinq_gY7ix7_FqSVBMQ/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FSynthSeg>,
>    SynthStrip 
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1VXLmpw2yihWcZU0vul0tnP_5VpqF82JyCCwIVae31F_LCDzCk2x448Vt7fow8QIvtbXMZ0KHWP-fAgLeSiV9LIg_azUp_nU-10_YJYDCO42xs5WTgpbTq3O8Y_-dKGgalVqigH2xrUmVtw_oUcXxxLEt1gKz61xWqwwFan2pn5t9igJpdDLkSAJCZfxusDF95EYrUeaCBVIJfqe8q3mnfC3ujb5Ul8nz79yOJaOAMJbm4zkKysaeyMzaiNnYsVkGsraKHAz20mNCwC65TDzZ2ZJp4yWkJKEKXS2JEklcjidLF9AZZJll4UvKzjL9wfVw/https%3A%2F%2Fsynthstrip.io>,
>  and SynthMorph
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1gV8mZhIt5XFZ04MEHNjyef68jYwr64lzOgyCeaG_kXAM5rQmht_BVbkfa7EIgfGgCmVQuMNSxCd9Hmssboq7tP1ZkCjBTjgCE3QgKJYVmV5qs-XLzi0L2U_7DhKUfdYcD1BEg2UDOwUq9yl33C1sGtlHC1bx_bE_d3s_dJpG55I-BaJWCIgRnBQETLH9e3Rflmr8pl4mCUpETAZSuHKKV3FXyqeOYL_aPhXo18yP-BEvaK-O8Dasd4cyY8xWmnBC3xj2n5-VQrwa4z_jeqeBCs_yJmYFJXAo10ruHtKEnCMQKY8VUamhlr39tJil6EXB/https%3A%2F%2Fsynthmorph.io>
>  (deep learning algorithms). These make
>    recon-all more robust and much faster. Technically, SynthMorph
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1gV8mZhIt5XFZ04MEHNjyef68jYwr64lzOgyCeaG_kXAM5rQmht_BVbkfa7EIgfGgCmVQuMNSxCd9Hmssboq7tP1ZkCjBTjgCE3QgKJYVmV5qs-XLzi0L2U_7DhKUfdYcD1BEg2UDOwUq9yl33C1sGtlHC1bx_bE_d3s_dJpG55I-BaJWCIgRnBQETLH9e3Rflmr8pl4mCUpETAZSuHKKV3FXyqeOYL_aPhXo18yP-BEvaK-O8Dasd4cyY8xWmnBC3xj2n5-VQrwa4z_jeqeBCs_yJmYFJXAo10ruHtKEnCMQKY8VUamhlr39tJil6EXB/https%3A%2F%2Fsynthmorph.io>
>  is not needed for recon-all to run, but the
>    nonlinear registration can be used in multimodal analysis to map to the
>    MNI152.
>    - There is now DL automatic segmentation of regions that often cause
>    errors in pial surface placement. These include the major sinuses (sagittal
>    and transverse) as well as a spot between frontal and temporal lobes where
>    the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and dura cause bright areas.
>    - Several fixes in entorhinal cortex. First, the WM in EC is segmented
>    using DL. The WM is often only 0.5mm thick and very hard to see; this often
>    resulted in severe white surface areas in this location requiring manual
>    editing to fix. The new surface now represents gyrus ambiens much better.
>    Second, The white surface is extended to the front of amygdala. Third, the
>    binary cortex of label now covers entorhinal cortex and parts of the
>    temporal pole better allowing the pial surface to extend out to its true
>    edge.
>    - Some bugs where found in and around inferior frontal cortex causes
>    the white surface to extend too far into basal ganglia. This has been
>    fixed. This is above and beyond the issue reported in 7.3.2 below.
>    - All the bug fixes described below are now turned on by default.
>    - These changes will work with longitudinal with the caveat that the
>    volumetric segmentation will not be fully longitudinal. The segmentation
>    will be applied to the time point in the base space, but it will not (and
>    cannot) be initialized with the base segmentation. Initial tests indicated
>    that the change in power was minimal and mixed.
>    - recon-all will now run in about 2h vs 8h on a single CPU. It will,
>    however, required about 24GB of memory to run.
>    -
>    The use of SynthStrip 
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1VXLmpw2yihWcZU0vul0tnP_5VpqF82JyCCwIVae31F_LCDzCk2x448Vt7fow8QIvtbXMZ0KHWP-fAgLeSiV9LIg_azUp_nU-10_YJYDCO42xs5WTgpbTq3O8Y_-dKGgalVqigH2xrUmVtw_oUcXxxLEt1gKz61xWqwwFan2pn5t9igJpdDLkSAJCZfxusDF95EYrUeaCBVIJfqe8q3mnfC3ujb5Ul8nz79yOJaOAMJbm4zkKysaeyMzaiNnYsVkGsraKHAz20mNCwC65TDzZ2ZJp4yWkJKEKXS2JEklcjidLF9AZZJll4UvKzjL9wfVw/https%3A%2F%2Fsynthstrip.io>
>  should make recon-all
>    much more robust as the old skull stripping method often included extra
>    cerebral tissue.
>    - With synthseg, we are now supplying a segmentation-based total
>    intracrainial volume (sTIV) along with the registration-based estimated TIV
>    (eTIV)
>    - We have applied v8 to several studies (aging, AD crossectional, AD
>    longitudinnal, schizophrenia). There were no major changes in the ability
>    to detect effects, and there was no interaction between effect and version.
>    But let us know how it performs on your studies.
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