External Email - Use Caution        

Hi again,

We decided to run mris_glmfit using the guide for longitudinal two stage model. 
We are not able to run the first script:

long_mris_slopes --qdec qdec.table.dat \
      --meas thickness \
      --hemi lh \
      --sd /mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS \
      --do-pc1 --do-label \
      --time weeks \
      --fwhm 15 \
      --qcache fsaverage \
      --stack-pc1 lh.testretest.thickness-pc1.stack.mgh \
      --isec-labels lh.testretest.fsaverage.cortex.label

The error:
"Traceback (most recent call last): File 
"/usr/local/freesurfer/7.4.1/python/scripts/long_mris_slopes", line 1005, in 
<module> if fwhm > 0: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' 
and 'int'"

We have made both a bash and a python script in our subject directory trying to 
solve the problem, but without any results.


# Source the FreeSurfer environment
source /usr/local/freesurfer/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh

# Run the Python script to check the fwhm value
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error: Invalid fwhm value received from Python script."
    exit 1

# Convert fwhm to integer explicitly

# Check if fwhm is a valid positive integer
if ! [[ $fwhm =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]]; then
    echo "Error: Invalid fwhm value $fwhm. Expected a positive integer greater 
than 0."
    exit 1

# Run long_mris_slopes with the specified parameters
long_mris_slopes --qdec ./qdec.table.dat \
      --meas thickness \
      --hemi lh \
      --sd /mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS \
      --do-avg --do-rate --do-pc1 --do-spc --do-stack --do-label \
      --time weeks \
      --fwhm $fwhm \
      --qcache fsaverage \
      --stack-pc1 lh.thickness-pc1.stack.mgh \
      --isec-labels lh.fsaverage.cortex.label

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

def check_fwhm_value():
    # Simulate or retrieve the FWHM value, for example:
    fwhm = 15  # Replace with your actual method of retrieving FWHM

    # Validate the FWHM value (optional)
        fwhm = int(fwhm)
        if fwhm <= 0:
            raise ValueError("FWHM must be a positive integer greater than 0.")
    except ValueError as ve:
        print(f"Error: {ve}", file=sys.stderr)

    return fwhm

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fwhm = check_fwhm_value()

Can you guide us to move on with the analysis?

Fra: Josefine Tingdal Taube Danielsen
Sendt: 10. juli 2024 11:31
Til: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Emne: Longitudinal analyses using Repeated measures anova

Hi Freesurfer support,

I'm using Freesurfer version 7.4.1 and Ubuntu 22_x86_64. 

I'm trying to run longitudinal analysis using Repeated Measures Anova 

My study has 2 groups (MM=patient group and HC=healthy controls) and 2 time 
points (1 and 2). I am looking at cortical thickness and cortical volume.

Here is some information:

We have been using these Contrast files:

# Create 1-vs-2 contrast file

echo "0 0 1" > 1-vs-2.mtx

# Create group-effect contrast file
echo "0 1 0" > group-effect.mtx

# Create interaction contrast file
echo "0 1 -1" > interaction.mtx

# Create mean contrast file
echo "1 0 0" > mean.mtxfree

And then followed this:

Preproc using FSGD

mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness --out 
lh.thickness.mgh --fsgd rmanova.fsgd

Smooth data

mri_surf2surf --s fsaverage --hemi lh --fwhm 5 --sval lh.thickness.mgh --tval 

Run GLM fit

mri_glmfit --glmdir lh.rmanova --y lh.thickness.sm05.mgh --fsgd rmanova.fsgd 
doss \
  --C 1-vs-2.mtx --C group-effect.mtx --C interaction.mtx --C mean.mtx \
  --surface fsaverage lh

This was our results:
INFO: gd2mtx_method is doss Reading source surface 
/mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS/fsaverage/surf/lh.white Number of vertices 163842 
Number of faces 327680 Total area 65417.000000 AvgVtxArea 0.399269 AvgVtxDist 
0.721953 StdVtxDist 0.195472 7.4.1 cwd /mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS cmdline 
mri_glmfit --glmdir lh.rmanova --y lh.thickness.sm05.mgh --fsgd rmanova.fsgd 
doss --C 1-vs-2.mtx --C group-effect.mtx --C interaction.mtx --C mean.mtx 
--surface fsaverage lh sysname Linux hostname D56979 machine x86_64 user josdan 
FixVertexAreaFlag = 1 UseMaskWithSmoothing 1 OneSampleGroupMean 0 y 
/mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS/lh.thickness.sm05.mgh logyflag 0 usedti 0 FSGD 
rmanova.fsgd labelmask /mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS/fsaverage/label/lh.cortex.label 
maskinv 0 glmdir lh.rmanova IllCondOK 0 ReScaleX 1 DoFFx 0 SigUseDouble 1 
Creating output directory lh.rmanova Loading y from 
/mnt/c/CogimmunStudy/FS/lh.thickness.sm05.mgh ... done reading. INFO: 
gd2mtx_method is doss Saving design matrix to lh.rmanova/Xg.dat Computing 
normalized matrix Normalized matrix condition is 1 Matrix condition is 3.15 
Found 149955 points in label. Pruning voxels by thr: 1.175494e-38 Found 149955 
voxels in mask Saving mask to lh.rmanova/mask.mgh Reshaping mriglm->mask... 
search space = 74612.577841 DOF = 123 Starting fit and test Fit completed in 
0.0220333 minutes Computing spatial AR1 on surface Residual: ar1mn=0.986733, 
ar1std=0.003725, gstd=3.501824, fwhm=8.246166 Writing results 1-vs-2 maxvox 
sig=-2.06583 F=7.13254 at index 102162 0 0 seed=1720706961 Computing efficiency 
group-effect maxvox sig=114.013 F=8295.3 at index 155689 0 0 seed=1720706961 
Computing efficiency interaction maxvox sig=106.775 F=6297.15 at index 64378 0 
0 seed=1720706961 Computing efficiency mean maxvox sig=133.337 F=17231.6 at 
index 155689 0 0 seed=1720706961 Computing efficiency mri_glmfit done

Now our questions:

Have we been using the right contrasts?
Do the results look realistic?
Is it possible to have some more information about results (e.g. summary, areas 
being significant, visualization, sig.mgh, t-values, p-values not i -log10)?

Thank you!

Josefine Danielsen

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