External Email - Use Caution INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTHCARE (AIiH) 4 - 6 September 2024, Swansea, UK https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ppWAnsYjYnhHxEnKoibtNl4Qu4560BMrard8EPkGQFkgmOZdkEqeqjUtjIQX2kQm8NGgSsfRBoOVu2yStRguqRu4WZNwa2kFp4I25ig4s8pwknHpKgNj5BTwefNGEtdXVXY8xqCWW3pG9XyIdRKZr3ybw_EmqAxMLBDxm71EwkN2o2RAJn95dn6B8XkSlsNxTuUQYl8vfpS5zRnCeOxDInlchDekVbzJbHa9TsEz_rDtPP-nkhjZSyhezrKXcKqxfGbsiZbiSbL8moqnzDiwl_qLyBu3gmtXhdHAdFNc51QJNd3U7gwLfOoOYLsFUGxiNIDRy6zoCLsaDl3qydpeSw/https%3A%2F%2Faiih.cc (1st CALL FOR ABSTRACT)
[ apologies for cross-postings] Submission deadline: Monday 1 July (FIRM) *1. INTRODUCTION * https://secure-web.cisco.com/1kMB0QYwXtTy8ESTcm5TslUdGzHjRontlKUqT_0F6qSbIxkzGuIQ-B9t7fASFaXGdRIn4Vk-NQGGte6yjjbS426nxf3xHow1vgz2bUFhN2yGMiOCIDTabP8Ksbm1K9WD2W5ysIcoT5zVvsq_1n82pa_llBlNdqgecePE3CwPopqNfzLFDDM543vsHpM7rZtbwXI6GqFvAPFrZ3Mp-cRfQunT949y4Iq4e4Xf69Jsf_UtaBNvCXkMV9W3qlp-v3Qk8eGeKRdYc94tZH8FvqSU691Qgtt0811ssxzZJ4uasTmH2xRiElbCDRIfpdM5jD7oxOMuW8nVVf__By57jlebubQ/https%3A%2F%2Faiih.cc%2Fabstracts%2F AIiH 2024 welcomes late-breaking short abstract submissions to be included as poster or short spot-light presentation at the conference. This is to both enable fast dissemination of promising preliminary findings and encourage attendance by a broader audience of early career researchers (including research students), healthcare professionals, and industrial practitioners. AIiH 2024 is a single track conference with oral and poster presentations and will include 5 keynote presentations. The conference will also feature a plenary session, which consists of 3 invited speakers who have extensive experiences in related areas. AIiH aims to provide a prominent platform for researchers and practitioners who are devoted to improving healthcare using modern artificial intelligence. We recognise that healthcare applications present complex and sometimes unique challenges across a wide spectrum, from ethics to technical developments, that generic AI methods are often inadequate. By creating this dedicated forum, we encourage discussions and disseminations of efficient and effective AI solutions and technologies for healthcare, and in turn we hope to influence the research, technology adoption, and decision making in healthcare. *2. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS* https://secure-web.cisco.com/1xSHdJFsDbvhgkCBoJWdwm1K821Lxq2yKqNEYDfRAd8VVQbVJD6xOSgwi5r4erkA0NJTVmZJ1GEfJ-39_4PQS1ZjeI5MWH12d5cb8wh4dvkWgomsSH-hQyP4u0zQHRM5Qpds5Tx6mN1bPYt7QlPDY3H_Gsv2YEBnAzislePx4F0jvW-xoFOnyJk3wwkz3cJTabBDEQFTT1YWjgNJxQrPKZYu_4Pi6yTaaSdZqOvJwfoeQFCx7K-RVi2GLW71efpYYRwq2yyb_rDX1FM9wcrArfmPTfPknDpY-gV04JGV-HUs6M5ULdEq2NkW5eY2tcbIYGQuW88eke59EQJTp4WU_EQ/https%3A%2F%2Faiih.cc%2Fkeynote-speakers%2F Prof. Hao Ni University College London Dr. Timothy Rittman Cambridge University Dr. Konstantinos Kamnitsas Oxford University Prof. Jacques Fleuriot Edinburgh University Prof. Eiichiro Tanaka Waseda University, Japan *3. PLENARY SESSION ON TRANSLATING AI RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE* https://secure-web.cisco.com/154XWGvVMO2AcjTRNWbGBh-Cdh9jPWq8MlSYUd4FIqXlkR18BYS8UWws6_r5qg1AchgLm1hVElegx57HZUauaHgq6vkMnHK6k56QIbNLmm1ulXnOP5RBJKdHz2U1URUQlymIfnTLzGtW4321ywWMNGDtwTkvL4kK4_KGaU2jgRWcspYnX17-1F2htpTQawiam9U4frGztaygocR_wE7rcEc4wt1AfV8BWYLkx82HfOau32uJZAYVvqpsvInn3uNBpTu2GYKbwM8Gx5ButSX0KlMpW9O4BhzGVI9DXYaKwdddM6gHjYA-bCV4J54jPtkZiIc0cRGDiB8c_LBYgBnCaGw/https%3A%2F%2Faiih.cc%2Fplenary-session%2F Dr. Alba Di Pardo IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed Dr. Noura Al Moubayed Durham University & Evergreen Life Dr. Haoda Fu Eli Lilly and Company *4. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION* Submission instructions are available at the conference website: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1kMB0QYwXtTy8ESTcm5TslUdGzHjRontlKUqT_0F6qSbIxkzGuIQ-B9t7fASFaXGdRIn4Vk-NQGGte6yjjbS426nxf3xHow1vgz2bUFhN2yGMiOCIDTabP8Ksbm1K9WD2W5ysIcoT5zVvsq_1n82pa_llBlNdqgecePE3CwPopqNfzLFDDM543vsHpM7rZtbwXI6GqFvAPFrZ3Mp-cRfQunT949y4Iq4e4Xf69Jsf_UtaBNvCXkMV9W3qlp-v3Qk8eGeKRdYc94tZH8FvqSU691Qgtt0811ssxzZJ4uasTmH2xRiElbCDRIfpdM5jD7oxOMuW8nVVf__By57jlebubQ/https%3A%2F%2Faiih.cc%2Fabstracts%2F *5. IMPORTANT DATES* Abstract deadline: Monday 1 July (FIRM) Abstract notification: Monday 8 July (FIRM) Abstract registration: Monday 15 July Late registration: Monday 12 August Main conference: Wednesday 4 – Friday 6 September 2024 *5. ORGANISERS* CONFERENCE GENERAL CHAIRS Xianghua Xie, Swansea University, UK Iain Styles, Queen’s University Belfast, UK PROGRAMME CHAIRS Gibin Powathil, Swansea University, UK Marco Ceccarelli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy SPECIAL SESSION CHAIRS Jiaxiang Zhang, Swansea University, UK Rex Ying, Yale University, USA SPONSORSHIP CHAIRS Daniele Cafolla, Swansea University, UK Raoul van Loon, Swansea University, UK PUBLICITY CHAIRS Lu Zhang, Swansea University, UK Beiyu Lin, University of Nevada, USA PUBLICATION CHAIR Jingjing Deng, Durham University, UK *6. SPONSORS* Gold: - Technis Blu - Infordata Silver: - Amicus Therapeutics Bronze: - Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI - IET Institution of Engineering and Technology Your Researcher Sponsor: - Elsevier Journal of Theoretical Biology Best Paper Award Sponsor: - Springer *7. CONTACT* cont...@aiih.cc
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