And how does the parcellation look on the surface?
On 3/7/2024 9:53 AM, Hyunchul Lee wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Yes, it looks fine to me
Those dots seem to lie on the pial surface
On Thu, Mar 7, 2024, 10:07 PM Douglas N. Greve
<> wrote:
Have you looked at the actual surface?
On 3/7/2024 2:29 AM, Hyunchul Lee wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I'm using Freesurfer recon-all to create reconstructions to use
with MNE-python for source estimation of SEEG data. My work
relies on having correct labeling of segmentation data. For most
cases, there has been no trouble but I am having trouble where
the cortical parcellation shows up as dots in one hemisphere.
Please see image attached. I also noticed that the lh.ribbon.mgz
is also 'dotty' (also attached). There is no issue with the right
hemisphere. This reconstruction was not manually edited, but only
recon-all was used.
I have tried using mris_volmask --label_left_ribbon, setting the
argument to various values. That didn't work that great -
reducing to 0 basically whites everything out except for the
white matter on the ipsilateral hemisphere and anything 1 or more
produces the same 'dots'. Interestingly the pial and wm surfaces
all look ok. Also, I am not sure if creating the correct
ribbon.mgz is going to fix the aparc.a2009+aseg file.
I would really appreciate your advice.
Best regards,
*Hyunchul Lee* MBBS PhD
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