I suspect the problem is with the aseg.mgz input. You can regenerate
that with the new surfs with a different call to mri_surf2volseg.
However, that will take a --fix-presurf-with-ribbon argument, so you
will also have to regenerate the ribbon.mgz file for the new surfaces
with mris_volmask
On 1/9/2024 7:23 AM, Thomas, George wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I am interested in generating a volumetric segmentation and
parcellation of the HCP-MMP1 atlas using mri_surf2volseg - and I have
previously done this like so:
mri_surf2volseg --o $sub/HCP-MMP1_fsSpace.mgz \
--label-cortex --i $sub/mri/aseg.mgz --threads 4 \
--lh-annot $sub/label/lh.HCP-MMP1.annot 1000
--lh-cortex-mask $sub/label/lh.cortex.label \
--lh-white $sub/surf/lh.white --lh-pial
$sub/surf/lh.pial \
--rh-annot $sub/label/rh.HCP-MMP1.annot 2000
--rh-cortex-mask $sub/label/rh.cortex.label \
--rh-white $sub/surf/rh.white --rh-pial
However rather than use the regular white matter surface generated by
recon-all (as above), I want to parcellate between the pial surface
and a superficial white matter surface 1mm below the GM/WM boundary.
I have generated this superficial white matter (SWM) surface for both
hemispheres like so:
mris_expand lh.white -1 lh.SWM.1mm
My first though was just to replace the --rh-white / --lh-white inputs
with the SWM surface, but after running this, the output remains the
I think I may also need use a different input than aseg.mgz, but not
sure what this would be or how to generate it.
Any assistance you could offer with the would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
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