External Email - Use Caution Hello,
I am trying to run the recon -all function in my MATLAB pipeline using Freesurfer 6.0.0 and I have no issues with it. However, when I run the recon -all step using Freesurfer 7.2.0 and run the following command (the recon -all step finishes without error by the way): ft_read_mri([subdir '3D_Images/freesurfer_pre-op/freesurfer/mri/T1.mgz']); I get the following error: /bin/bash: /scratch/tp746feb5d_1e83_4141_b25d_1824a1cb209e.load_mgh.m.mgh: Permission denied The issue is there is no scratch file and it looks like between version 6.0.0 and 7.2.0 there is some extra lines of code that uses a scratch directory (which 6.0.0 doesn't) Does anyone have any input on this? I hope this made sense! Best, Michael Ruvalcaba
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