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Are you using the --lesion-mask-pattern flag with the value "1" on the
FLAIR scan? You can try to relax the masking by excluding darker than WM
mean intensities voxels rather than darker than GM ones, i.e., by adding to
your command: --lesion-mask-structure "White"

For WMH-SynthSeg:

It looks like a memory error (the process was killed). On the Wiki:
 they recommend 32GB
of RAM. Do you have access to a machine with more RAM?


[Freesurfer] WMH-SynthSeg vs. SAMSEG for WM lesions

 Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:54:04 -0800

        External Email - Use Caution

Hello Freesurfer

I am reaching out for some advice on unsupervised WM lesion detection using
SAMSEG and WMH-SynthSeg.

Our use case prioritizes maximizing true positives over minimizing false
positives. However, even with a low threshold of 0.1, SAMSEG misses some
areas (on FLAIR). Are there any strategies or parameters to force SAMSEG to
be more "aggressive"?

Unfortunately, I have not been able to get WMH-SynthSeg to work. The error
message is pasted below. Does this point to a memory issue (I have 24GB

*Arguments seem correct; loading Python packages...Using cpuUsing 1
thread(s)Preparing model and loading weightsWorking on image 1 of 1:
 Loading input volume and normalizing to [0,1]     Upscaling to target
resolution     Pushing data through the CNNKilledreal 3m33.897suser
2m48.028ssys 0m32.337s*

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in

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