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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

I am attempting to project my fiber tract endpoint into the inflated surface. 
According to the code in trac-paths, it needs to create the endpoint volume 
file by dmri_pathstats. But when the number of non-truncated streamlines is 
less than total streamlines, the program is terminated (but it works when the 
number is the same).

my code: dmri_pathstats --intrk $tractpath --out right_stats --ends right_endpt 
--dtbase $fullpath$tensordata

Then, I noted that dmri_projectEndPoints can do it straightly, but the usage 
make me confused. 

my code: dmri_projectEndPoints -i $tractpath -sl ./surf/lh.orig -sr 
                       -ol left_endpt.label -or right_endpt.label
                       -ri ./T1_brain.nii.gz

I wonder what should I do if I just want to project the fiber endpoint into the 

FreeSurfer version: freesurfer-linux-ubuntu18_x86_64-7.3.2
Platform: Ubuntu 18.04.5 on windows (WSL)

Rosie Zhou
Freesurfer mailing list
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